Savage in a Stetson (Crossroads #4) - Em Petrova Page 0,25

seduction. One, he could simply walk into her kitchen, grab her and kiss her.

Or he could sting her pride with a challenge.

“Suit yourself. It’s ten bucks less you make today.”

Her blonde brows slanted together, meeting between her eyes. “Fine! That’ll be ten dollars and forty cents.”

He withdrew his wallet, making sure he opened the partitions to reveal the fact he’d restocked with not one condom but two. A glance up at her face showed him that she’d noticed, and he battled down a smile as he pulled out a ten-dollar bill and two quarters.

Sliding the money across the counter to her, he looked into her eyes and smiled. When her fingertips hit the bill, she gave a tug. He kept hold of the money.

“Do you want your number two or not?”

His gaze shot to her mouth. Three whole heartbeats passed. “I want a whole lot more than that, Jada.”

“Ugh!” She yanked the money out from under his hand and whirled from the takeout window. He heard pans clattering and two minutes later, she opened the screened window and shoved a box out at him.

Figuring this was the best he’d get, he tipped his hat and gave her a flirtatious wink. She slammed the window and then flipped the sign from open to closed.

Shaking his head and chuckling to himself, he settled at one of the picnic tables and opened his box. A fork and knife had been tossed on top haphazardly, and he had to laugh at her treatment of him.

Seconds later, she thundered outside with her cleaning rag and spray bottle. He paused with a drumstick partway to his lips. God, was she going to clean right here in front of him now? The pressure of his fly against his cock created an increased ache. The thought of her bending over in front of him…

She sprayed the first table and then scrubbed the cleaning product away. Sweet Jesus, not only did her ass wiggle—her breasts swayed.

He closed his eyes and groaned.

She slanted a look at him. “Would you like to lodge a complaint about the food?” she snapped.

He offered her a crooked smile. “No, ma’am. Everything’s very much to my likin’.” He slipped his gaze over her face to linger on her breasts and all the way down her hips. Then he purposely stuck his finger in his mouth, sucking the chicken seasonings off the tip.

She twisted away and crossed the parking lot to the farthest table, but not before he swore she gave a shiver of pleasure. Without bothering to look at his food, he ate with his hands and watched her cleaning routine that had begun to haunt his dreams. Two nights before he woke out of a dead sleep, cock bursting and his pulse hammering to thoughts of taking her mouth and splaying her across one of her tables to sink into her tight pussy.

When she appeared by his elbow, he looked up at her.

“Are you about done? I need to clean this table.”

“You in a rush?”

“Yes. I want to go home and call my sister and see how she’s faring as a new mother.”

He slumped. “Aw, damn. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was holding you up from something so important.” He felt a splinter of remorse under his skin and stood, closing the takeout box as he did. “Thanks for the meal, Jada.”

He started across the parking lot. When he reached the Mortimer’s sign, he stopped and examined it.

“You should change your sign,” he called out to her.

“Oh yeah? At least it’s more than a bit of paint slapped onto a plank!”

He grinned. “Challenge accepted, sweetheart. See ya tomorrow.”

* * * * *

“Look. At. His. Little. Toes.” Jada pressed her fingertip gently into each one of five-day-old baby Cort Bellamy’s tiny bare toes.

Joss beamed at her sister and new son. “I know. I look at them hourly at least.”

Jada lifted her gaze to her sister, who looked tired but seemed to be holding up. “And his daddy?”

“Smitten. You should see them together. In fact, I have all these photos in my phone.” Joss got off the sofa to lean over where Jada sat holding the baby in the armchair. She held her phone in front of Jada’s eyes and flipped through about thirty photos in a row of her little family.

Jada teared up at the sight of the last with all three of them snuggling in bed. “Awww, you’re all so perfect. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, sis.” She squeezed Jada’s shoulders and leaned Copyright 2016 - 2024