Savage Love (Savage Trilogy #3) - Lisa Renee Jones Page 0,71

bad. And I know you like money. Five million a year to be my personal problem solver. And of course, my guarantee you and all those you love stay safe.”

I pull my weapon and point it at his head. Of course, his guards pull their weapons and point them at me. The woman screams.

“Go,” I order her, and she all but falls out of her chair trying to comply. Even before she’s gone, I’m addressing Pocher. “You and I can die together, Pocher,” I say. “I’m liking the way the world feels after, aren’t you?”

“You won’t leave that pretty little Candace. We both know that.” He sounds gallant but the slight quiver of his lips tells me otherwise.

“I know you know who, and what, I am. Do you really want to take that bet?”

His cellphone rings on the table where it lies, and I can see the caller ID. It reads “Kane Mendez.”

“Go ahead,” I say. “Take that call. Tell him you’re busy.”

His eyes narrow on me and he picks up the phone. “This is Pocher.” He listens a moment and then says. “Very well.” He hangs up. “It seems we're done here,” he says.

“Done?” I laugh. “I’m not feeling done at all.”

Pocher motions to his men to put away their weapons and they do. “We’re done, Rick Savage.”

“I’m pretty sure the only time I’m done is when you're bleeding out all over the table.”

“I’m sure Kane Mendez has explained to you why that’s a mistake as he’s explained to me your value. You, Candace, and all those connected to you are granted immunity.”

My cellphone rings and I pull it from my pocket to find Kane calling. I hit the answer button and he says, “Put the gun down and walk away. It’s done. You have my word and that’s all you’re going to get, but I do believe you know I do not offer such declarations lightly.” I disconnect the call and shackle my weapon.

“Call off Alejandro.”

“I heard about your situation with Alejandro but I didn’t hire him. Tag hired him and used him to destroy a year of investment in Gabriel. Thankfully, someone killed Tag.”

I believe him. Pocher is an opportunist. That’s why I’m here. I turn to leave and he says, “Rick Savage.”

I turn to look at him. “Should anyone, including your pretty little woman, do anything to harm me or my organization, war will be officially declared. And you do not want to go to war with us.”

I smile. Just smile. And with that, I walk out of the room. I don’t stop walking until I exit the club to find Kane Mendez leaning on a fancy silver 911 Porsche, not so unlike my San Antonio rental. Only I didn’t look like an arrogant rich bastard the way he does right now. Mr. Antonio Banderas in a black suit, and black tie, that probably cost as much as ten Average Joe’s suits.

I close the space between me and him and he pushes off the Porsche, straightening to greet me. “You’re a little damn late.”

“But not too late,” he says, in that heavily accented but highly educated way he communicates. “It’s handled. You have your freedom and once again, we are even.”

“What did you say to him.”

“What I said doesn’t matter. I’d already been working on a new rope to tie him up with, which was why I was gone today, but your impatient ass couldn’t just wait.”

“He called.”

“And you could have put him off, but it’s done. The rope is now around his neck.” His cellphone buzzes and Kane eyes his message. “Lilah says they’re leaving the station in fifteen minutes and then headed to our apartment.” He clicks the locks on his car. “Shall we go get our women?”

“Considering Pocher claims he didn’t hire the assassin hunting my future wife. Yes. We need to go get our women. Now.”



I think I’ve decided I like, perhaps even love, Lilah Love.

This, after I’ve been with her and a few other people she’s been bossing around for roughly two hours in a conference room at the police station. Lilah doesn’t work at the police station. She’s an FBI profiler on a task force and she works from home. However, you’d never know that Lilah doesn’t work at the police station. She owns the place right now and I’ve quickly learned that Lilah isn’t tolerant of stupidity. She’s fine with about anything else. She doesn’t care what your size is, your race is, your sexual preference. She just Copyright 2016 - 2024