Savage Love (Savage Trilogy #3) - Lisa Renee Jones Page 0,31

hand her the phone and sit up.

She takes it and holds it to her chest. “How bad did I screw up with the pregnancy test?”

I lean over her, my arm resting on the back of the couch. “You didn’t screw up. You did what you had to do. If fate is in our favor, the prospect that you’re pregnant makes Gabriel and Pocher want the press that gets them. If fate is not in our corner, they know you’re trouble, and you become a target now, not later.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Right now?” I kiss her nipple. “Get that call back over and then fuck some more. Then I’m going to make a few calls before we fuck yet again. Then we’ll eat ice cream and watch Sonic.”

“That’s it?”

“You did what you had to do,” I repeat. “Now, I’ll do what I have to do.”

I draw in a breath and exhale. “You’re going to kill Gabriel.”

“That might be too kind of an ending. A guy like Honest Gabe needs to suffer. And I’m just the guy for the job.”



Rick stands up, adjusts his pants we never got off of him and walks around the couch. He then leans over it and pulls his shirt over my head. I slink into it and glance over my shoulder at him. “You look better in it than me, and I don’t want you naked when you call him back.”

“You’re wrong. I don’t look better in it than you.” My cellphone rings in my hand.

Rick’s expression pinches. “I’ll go get the ice cream. You know I like it all melty.” He winks. “The way I like you, too.”

The words are so very Rick Savage, but his energy is all jagged-edged and cutting. He pushes off the couch and walks away. My phone stops ringing and starts again. Anger jabs at me and I answer the call. “I was asleep, Gabriel. Do you want me to be well for the party or not?”

“You don’t sound asleep.” His tone drips accusation.

“Because you called me back-to-back.”

“You were supposed to call me when the stylists and doctor visited.”

I bristle. “I chose a nap over the call. I felt like me getting well was more important than the call.”

“What did the doctor say?”

“That I’m on the backend of this sickness and to rest.” It’s sort of accurate. “And to take vitamins.”

“Did you get a dress?”

That’s it. No how are you feeling? “Yes. It’s red.”

“I’m sending over jewelry for you to choose from as well. It will get there about the same time I do tomorrow night.”

“Which is when?” I ask, hoping I sound like a normal, interested future wife.

“Unfortunately, right before the party. And a bit of additional bad news.”

“I don’t know if I can take it,” I say. “What?”

“A big investor wants me in New York City now. He’s flying me out after the party.”

I gamble on my trust in Gabriel and try really hard to sound devoted to Gabriel. “Can I go?”

“I wish you could, but no. He insists this be one-on-one.”

“Who is he? Is he really worth leaving after the party? And how reasonable is he to expect that?”

“Grayson Bennett. The Grayson Bennett who owns an empire of hotels and business, that now includes part of an NFL team. And football is about as strategic a vehicle I could get to spread the campaign messaging. That’s part of why I was calling you. I was eager to tell you.”

He’s trying to make-up. It’s not possible. “What happened to your big investor you told me about? What’s his name? I can’t remember.”

“Ted Pocher. He’s behind about every political success in the last twenty years, but he’s all about outside money and lots of it. And he could do a man like Grayson Bennett lots of favors.”

“I don’t think my stomach can handle hearing what that means.”

“That’s right, my sweet angel. I like you like that. You can’t get in any trouble that way.” A female voice sounds behind him. “Monica wants to go over a press briefing we’re putting out in the morning. I won’t call again and wake you up. I love you, buttercup.”

I cringe at the nickname that I’ve come to hate and almost as much as the way he lingers to hear the words returned by me. I have to say them. Lord help me I have to say them. I lower my voice. “I love you, too.”

He hangs up and suddenly Rick is sitting next to me. He heard. Of course, Copyright 2016 - 2024