Savage Love (Savage Trilogy #3) - Lisa Renee Jones Page 0,22

encounter with Kane on my mind. It was our first. But it was not our last. He’d contacted me, a magician that had managed to find me when no one could. I’d done him a favor, helped him protect his woman from Pocher himself.

My cellphone rings and I answer with, “Kane Fucking Mendez.”

“Rick Savage,” he replies, his accent just rich enough to have a perfect “fuck you” flare without ever saying the words. That’s not his style. He’s not in your face like I am. He’s smooth as silk and as lethal as a Black Mamba. “Why did I know that one day you’d ask for a favor?”

“Because I saved your fucking life, Kane.”

“I do believe I saved yours as well.”

He’s not wrong. He did. “And I got rid of a problem for you. Now we have a new problem, a mutual enemy.”

“So you said on the voicemail. Who?”


He’s silent a moment. “This line is clear but not clear enough for this conversation, but you have my full attention.”

“Mine’s clear.”

“I’ll call you back.”

He disconnects, and he doesn’t have to say more. He’s in. He’s all in. Screw Aaron the ex-CIA Spook. Kane Mendez is the man for this job, right after me.



After Rick’s quick departure to take a call, the room is awkwardly silent, which tells me the Walker team knows something I do not. I don’t like this idea, and I’m not one to remain silent, but my gut says that I need to just wait on Rick, talk to him.

Besides, Asher’s quick to begin quizzing me with a list of names that I might know through Gabriel. People he thinks connect the dots that might prove Gabriel has broken laws. The list is long and I down another cup of coffee while getting through a small portion of it.

The guys are already debating what’s for lunch when Rick finally returns twenty-five minutes later, exploding into the room as only Rick Savage can do in a rush of testosterone and oversized personality.

“What did I miss?” he asks, claiming the seat next to me, kissing me and then immediately grabbing another donut.

“What did I miss?” I challenge.

He winks. “Me, I hope.”

“Rick,” I warn softly.

“Just calling in a few favors to make sure this ends our way, baby. I’ll tell you more later.” He eyes his watch. “We need to get you out of here soon.” He pretty much inhales the donuts in about two bites.

Smith grabs another donut himself and uses it to motion to Rick. “Adrian and two other men have eyes on Candace’s house and street. They’re ready when you and Candace head in that direction.” He takes a bite. “Are we getting pizza or what?”

“Yes,” Adam says. “Now. Order. I’m sick of fucking donuts.” He grabs a donut anyway and takes a bite. “We need to talk about the party Saturday night.” He glances at Rick and then me. “Are you going?”

“I am,” I say. “Do we have a plan to ensure that Gabriel doesn’t expect me to leave with him or do we care?”

“Handled,” Rick says.

“Handled?” I ask, confused and surprised, considering it wasn’t handled an hour ago.

“All us macho men protect our women, baby,” he teases. “You know that.”

“You mean cavemen?” I challenge.

“Whatever,” he says. “I said I called in favors. I did. A friend is going to contact Gabriel today and tease him with a big donation. He’ll offer him a private plane after the party.”

My brow furrows. “Okay, but what keeps Gabriel from taking me with him?”

“That friend is going to make sure it’s a one-on-one meeting.”

“How do you know Gabriel will even be interested?”

“Money talks, baby,” he replies. “And this friend has plenty of it.”

“Tell me it’s not Kane Mendez,” Adam snaps.

My gaze jerks to Adam and then Rick. “Who’s Kane Mendez?”

“A drug dealer,” Smith replies before Rick can respond.

My eyes go wide. “What?” I flick Smith a look, but it’s Rick I focus on. “Rick, what?”

“Smith’s a dweeb,” Rich assures me. “Kane Mendez is the CEO of Mendez Enterprises. He’s not a drug dealer. His father was, his uncle is. He is not.”

Smith snorts. “Give me a break. It’s widely believed his uncle is his cover story.”

Rick scowls in his direction. “I bet you believed it when the girls told you it was them not you when they broke up with you, too, didn’t you? Or maybe that Bigfoot exists? I mean it’s widely believed to be true, right, man? Or maybe you believe—”

“Kane Mendez is calling Gabriel,” Adam assumes. Copyright 2016 - 2024