Savage Lands - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,111

so jaded?”

“Not jaded.” He tied off the wrap, patting my leg, which made me wince. “Just honest.”

“I’m gathering you never met a girl who made you want to be with just her.” I twisted, sitting up, facing him. “Or guy…I’m not judging.”

He snorted, his head shaking, traveling back to the dresser. A brown bag I hadn’t noticed was perched on top. He tugged out a bottle of brandless palinka, cracked it open, and downed a huge gulp.

“Not for me.”

“Which one? Women or men?” I smiled coyly. From the female guests he’d had in prison, and the sounds of their moans piercing the walls, I had no doubt of his first preference.

He shot a look at me, taking another drink. “Relationships. Being with one person.” He leaned over the bed, handing me the bottle, his voice going low. “I can’t imagine anyone being enough for me. So far, three don’t even meet the challenge.”

A strange tightness gripped my chest, but I swished it away, taking a drink. The cheap, harsh brandy attacked my throat, and I coughed and hacked. It tasted like someone produced it in their home bathtub.

“Oh, right, you can’t drink with the commoners.” He reached back for the palinka. I yanked it out of his grasp, glaring at him as I took another drink.

“Don’t presume to know me.”

“What’s not to know?” He put his hands on his hips. “Grew up inside Leopold as General Markos’s ward, only daughter of Benet Kovacs. You got the best education and training. Everything money can buy. Parties, dresses, food, top-shelf alcohol.” He nodded at the bottle in my hand. “Rich, pampered, and entitled.”

Anger rolled my shoulders up, and I scrunched my face, parting my lips to tear into him.

“What part is false?” He folded his arms over his chest.

“Maybe nothing.” I strangled the bottle. “But you say it’s an insult to you. I didn’t choose to be born into that world. I was one of the lucky ones, and yes, I had an excellent education and got to sleep in a safe, warm bed, and food was never scarce. But don’t act like you know me or know what I’ve gone through. The wealthy play different games, but they are just as ruthless and cruel.”

“What? No mint on your pillow at night?”

“Fuck you.” I got on my knees, wobbling a bit, moving closer, poking his bare chest. He leaned his head back at my nearness. “Don’t patronize me or make me less. I’ve had men do it to me most of my life. Don’t forget that I endured the House of Death…the attacks, the starvation, and torture. I didn’t have the luxury of being ‘king’ there, having everyone, even the guards, at my beck and call. I survived the Games. I murdered three people. Two at once, if you recall,” I seethed, our chests pressing together. “I killed one of my own friends. So get off your high horse. In there, you were the pampered and entitled one.”

His eyes tracked me, darting and moving over me as he slowly inhaled through his nose. Not responding felt like a victory to me, and I wasn’t about to let go of my seat.

“Now, before you can have another sip of this,” I wiggled the bottle, keeping it out of his reach, “you are going to answer some of my questions.”

“Really?” His brows went up at my audacity.

“Really,” I replied, settling back on the bed. “Starting with what the hell happened last night. I know the escape was planned. So sit your ass down and start explaining.”

Chapter 29

“I don’t need to explain anything to you,” he replied coolly, glowering at me.

“Hmmm.” I sloshed the potent liquor around in the bottle, taking another drink. “Suit yourself.”

His lids narrowed into slits, a nerve in his jaw twitching. “You’re blackmailing me?”

“Guess it depends on how bad you want this.” I forced down another large gulp, doing it more to piss him off than for the enjoyment. “It’s only coercion if you want this more than being a stubborn ass.”

A low rumble came from him, his hand sliding through his damp hair and scouring at his face. “You are a conniving little bitch.”

“Thank you.” I downed another sip, warmth moving through my limbs. On an empty stomach, it sank into my bloodstream like melted butter. “Now explain to me how you knew the jail would be attacked. Why Zander helped us escape? Why you helped me and where you’ve been all day?”

Warwick’s chest expanding in anger, using his build Copyright 2016 - 2024