The Satyr - Tiana Laveen Page 0,20

my mind. I finally decide that fuck this, I’m going to call her. I’m seriously losing my mind today because I know damn well why she didn’t call. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this shit out. The question now is, am I willing to fucking do what it takes to snatch her ass and am I willing to risk things getting serious and complicated if we take it beyond sex? Because that’s how women are. As soon as they fall in love with you, the shit hits the fan.

Suddenly, his phone rang, stealing him away from his deliberations. He went to the closet where he’d inadvertently left it and answered with a big smile on his face.

“Hey, angel… it’s you.” He bit into his lower lip as he leaned against the island dresser, his dick twitching in anticipation. Some natural daylight seeped through an uncovered window, giving an almost angelic glow to the room. ‘Séance’ by Iman played softly through the speakers. “Thank you for getting back to me so fast.”

“Yes, well, I see no point in delaying the inevitable.”

“Thrilled to hear from me, huh?” He suppressed laughter, knowing full well the woman had already begun her process of resisting and eliminating, subtracting and removing him, divided by zero, from the equation. She must do Common Core Mathematics…

“Mr. Rossellini, I was honestly in shock when I played your message.”

“Whoa, whoa… Mr. Rossellini? What is this, a job interview? Why so formal?”

“I don’t know you.”

“Lady, my entire fuckin’ big, Italian dick was in your mouth, balls deep. In fact, it was in every whole on your beautiful body. Repeatedly. Stop it. You missed me, didn’t you?” He smirked when he heard her clear her throat.

“I never gave you my number,” she barked, clearly ignoring his question. “You must’ve gotten it from when I registered with The Cage. That is a violation of my privacy.”

“I didn’t get it from The Cage and even if I did, that’s not a violation of your privacy per the agreement you fuckin’ signed. I’m privy to that information, since I was assigned to you and I’m a member of the team. I would be more than happy to forward you a copy if your recollection is foggy. Page 3, Section 5B, in case you have it on hand.” She huffed and the reaction only titillated him more. “Anyway, how I got your number isn’t important. You know why I’ve called. I’m ready for another adventure, just like I said. I wanna fuck you again… Are you free tonight?” He rested a finger on his chin.

“Though I obviously enjoyed our time together that evening, Nixon, we—”

“Nix… you can call me Nix. Everyone I consider a friend calls me Nix.”

“Okay, Nix… as I was saying, though I enjoyed our time together, I think we should leave our adventure, as you called it, in the past.”

He was quiet for a spell as he glanced towards the window in the closet. How beautifully it illuminated the place, made a way into the darkness. His view of the metropolitan was astonishing. Worth every dime.

“Yasmine, I think you do want to see me. You’re a fuckin’ liar, but I understand. Of course, you’re a lawyer; it goes with the territory to tell some tall tales. That’s what we do.”

“I would like to hang up now.”

“We had crazy chemistry.” Memories of her on top of him and below him throbbed within his brain. “If we didn’t, I would have never given you my business card. That’s not what I usually do. I like to keep a low profile. That was risky. You had to figure that out. I have just as much to lose now as you. What we did wasn’t illegal, but ya know, if word of it got to the wrong people it could cloud how they view us. I don’t give uh shit what people think of me, personally, but I have to consider my law firm. Their reputation is impeccable. Anyway, I think that you thought about me a lot, actually…”

“I’m not surprised you think that. You came across as quite arrogant. Full of yourself,” she stated dryly. “And I don’t buy for one second that it was part of your ‘bad boyfriend’ routine. You played that role far too well. That’s who you are, to your core. Also, please let me make something clear. The fact I am an attorney doesn’t automatically make me a pathological liar. You may be projecting. Not all Copyright 2016 - 2024