Sassy Blonde - Stacey Kennedy Page 0,50

she had no idea the power she could wield over him if she wanted. Since I can’t seem to refuse you anything, that’s very likely.

Good. Come meet me at the brewery. I’m in the barn.

See you in 20.

He gathered up the papers on his desk, placing them back in the file folder for tomorrow. Just as he put that away, another text came through on his phone. He stiffened…everywhere.

The photograph Maisie sent showed her lying on her back, soft lighting all around her. Her hair blanketed the ground behind her. Her dress was pulled down, revealing her gorgeous cleavage.

He texted back: I’ll be there in 10.


Twinkle lights were strung along the large wooden beams that ran the length of the space that was once a hayloft. It was now Maisie’s quiet place. Blankets were laid out in the corner, surrounded by too many pillows to count. As a child, she and Laurel would spend hours up here playing hide-and-seek around the hay bales. Pops hadn’t been huge on farming, like his father had, but he had kept a hobby farm for years. Horses for them to ride, goats, sheep, a cow, just furry friends to keep him company, especially after their grandmother passed away.

The space reminded her of simpler times, when things weren’t so serious, where everything wasn’t on the line.

A sudden creak in the wooden floorboard had her smiling. She took a quick look at her screen. “Eight minutes,” she said, looking at Hayes across from her. “Wow, my boobs must have looked great.”

Hayes lips curved at the sides. He leaned against the thick wooden pole, arms folded, eyes burning. “Delectable.”

“Hmm,” she purred, playfully. “I take it since you got here so fast that you’re hungry then?”

“Famished.” His grin dripped lust.

All day she’d been thinking of him, thinking of this. No matter how confusing life got, when they touched, everything was okay. Always. This part was easy. The emotional stuff made everything hard. And she kept thinking, as long as she reminded him how good they were together, showed him how great the future could be, everything would be okay. They would be okay, and they’d figure out the steps to take to find their happiness. A forever kind of happiness. “Oh, that’s something we must fix, then.” She sat up a little and unzipped the back of her dress, letting the fabric slide off her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing a bra. The dress had one built in.

The low groan that spilled from Hayes’s mouth made her wet in an instant. The hunger in his wicked gaze as his eyes roamed over her bare breasts was hot. He had his T-shirt off a second later, his jeans and boxer briefs dropped next. She wiggled out of her dress and panties as he fetched a condom from his wallet and readied himself.

Before she could make a next move, he was there, placing her down on the pillows, sliding between her legs. The scent of his woodsy cologne wrapped around her as he gathered her in his strong arms, his hard body pressing all the right places. His kiss set her on fire as his tongue sensually stroked hers. A low growl rumbled from his chest, like he could barely get enough of her. Urgency tickled in her belly as his hardened length stroked between her thighs. The need. The desire. She moaned against his mouth, rubbing herself up and down his cock while tangling her fingers into his hair.

God, yes, she wanted this. Wanted him. Needed him. She moved faster beneath him, dragging her sex up and down over his rock-hard length. The tease was too much. He was too much. She broke the kiss to rasp, “I need you inside me.”

He grunted against her mouth and switched their positions. Now straddling his waist, she stared down at him, feeling herself growing wetter at just the sight of him. My God, Hayes was a dream come true. Strong. Sexy. Pure seduction. She shuddered against the need pulsating through her.

At whatever expression crossed her face, he gave a smile dripping sex, then used both hands to squeeze her bum. “You seem like you know what you’re doing. Show me what you’ve got.”

She returned the grin and rocked her hips, sliding up the length of him. “Are you challenging me to see how good I am in bed?”

He moaned, the soft lights showcasing the pleasure washing over his face. “I showed you what I’ve got, didn’t I? Seems only fair.”

“Hmmm,” she purred, Copyright 2016 - 2024