Sassy Blonde - Stacey Kennedy Page 0,48

admitted. “Can you tell if I am?”

“I can try.” Luna bowed her head, breathed deep. Once. Twice. And again. “Ah, I see,” she finally said, lifting her bright gaze. “No, you’re not hexed. You’re simply not doing what you should be doing. And your guardian angel, which I like to call your guide, is annoyed that you’re not listening.”

Maisie had heard Luna was amazing, but that came out so fast and clear that Maisie’s mouth dropped open. “Okay, so how exactly do I fix all this?”

“You’ve got to start listening to your guide,” Luna explained, as if that was all very simple. “Your chance for happiness is coming to a head. Your guide is trying very hard to get you to hear the message—you need to stop and listen.” She cocked her head, eyes closed, a look of such peace crossing her face. “The message I keep hearing is that to succeed, you need to be yourself. Trust in your heart.”

“All right,” she said, feeling like she hadn’t trusted in her heart for a very long time. Since the brewery opened, she’d been following Clara and Amelia’s leads.

Luna opened her eyes, a twinkle in their depths, and she gave a nod like she already figured Maisie out. “Once you accept your place in this world, things will become less hard for you. Life will settle into where it should be, and your guide will quiet down.” She hesitated, her head tilting again. “I see a man.”

Maisie stiffened. “A man.”

“Yes,” Luna said slowly, glancing back down at Maisie’s palm. “A man you care for very deeply. Your souls are twined intimately in ways most are not. But this man, he’s got a secret. A deep one that still wounds him.”

The direction change made Maisie’s head spin. “Do you know what kind of secret?” she all but whispered.

Luna snapped her eyes to Maisie’s again, and rose, the color in her face oddly gone. “I’m afraid that truth is not mine to share. That’s all I have for you today. If things don’t settle for you in a week, come back, and I’ll see what I can do to ease this guide of yours.”

Maisie rose on shaky legs. She took a step forward to leave, when something suddenly occurred to her. “Do you know who my guide is?” she asked.

Luna gave a gentle smile. “Your Pops, of course.” As Maisie reeled from that, Luna said, “And, Maisie? Ask for help. It’s out there.”

The sun began to set over the mountains outside of Hayes’s office window. He’d spent the last few hours going through the surveillance footage from various cameras at the amusement park hoping he could catch a glimpse of the truck leaving. Hayes had watched the footage again…and again…and again. They didn’t have a direct shot of the parking lot where the truck was parked. So far, he’d come up empty. Last night, he’d crashed at home after a hot shower, only to come back into the station at eight o’clock this morning after word came in that Detective Stewart agreed to work a joint investigation. Since then, he hadn’t left his chair except to grab food. And Hayes felt each and every hour that had followed. His eyes strained, but his gut told him there was something in these videos he could use to catch the person who hurt Maisie. Exhausted, he stretched out his shoulders and leaned back against his chair, rubbing his eyes.

The phone on the desk rang. “Taylor,” he said by way of greeting.

“Detective Stewart calling from Boulder,” he said, and after a short pause, he added, “Neil for short.” He chuckled.

“Hey, Neil,” Hayes said. “Hayes here. What can I do for you?”

“Hayes, glad to work this case alongside you,” Neil said. “I’m reaching out to see if you’ve gotten anywhere on your end.”

Hayes glanced at the report he’d printed off this morning after the detective had shared the online file. “At the moment, nothing is jumping out at me.”

Neil made a low noise in his throat. “I’m in the same boat over here. I’ve interviewed the three people on the suspects’ list I sent you but have ruled them all out.”

“Good to know.” Hayes tucked the phone between his shoulder and ear. He grabbed that list and scratched out the names, frustrated he didn’t have any names of his own to add to that list. “Any other updates?”

“Prints didn’t turn up anything in the databases. Not that there were that many to begin with. The fire damage, Copyright 2016 - 2024