Sapphire Flames (Hidden Legacy) - Ilona Andrews Page 0,68

But if a minor is killed, there is an elevated risk of public outcry and pressure to solve it. Halle should’ve been safe.”

“It has to be her magic,” I said. What else was there? Halle was too dangerous to sell or contain.

Alessandro met my gaze. “They bothered with this elaborate ruse because they need her alive. Catalina, we’ll find her. I promise you. We’ll get her back.”

He said it like he meant every word.

“Thank you for leveling with me.” I moved to the door.

He got there ahead of me and leaned on the door frame. “Leaving so soon?”

“Things to do.”

“What if I asked you to stay? What if I said, ‘Don’t go, Catalina. I’ll be lonely without you.’”

If he actually said that and was serious, I might move into this room with him. “I have to go.”

“Stay,” he said. “We can compare notes on murderers. It will be fun.”

His voice pulled me in, and for a second, I didn’t know which one of us was the siren.

“No. I have to go.” If I kept repeating it, I might actually believe it. “I have to look through Sigourney’s files and make dinner.”

“Or you could bring your laptop over here. We could order Chinese takeout and wash it down with some bad American wine.”

His eyes were so warm and inviting. It would be so easy just to stay here with him.

“I’ll tell you funny stories,” he offered.

I would give anything to spend an evening here, figuring out what made him laugh. “I have to go.”

He gave me a resigned smile and invited me to exit with an elegant sweep of his hand.

I had to leave. I said I would. I insisted on it. I walked through the doorway.

“If you think of anything else,” I said.

“I know where you live.”

I was going to say text me. A sudden thought hit me like a bolt of lightning. “Alessandro, one last thing. Stay out of my room.”

“Not a chance,” he told me.

Thirty seconds after I finished putting dinner into the oven and invited Runa into my office to brief her, Shadow started sniffing my office floor and running around in circles. Runa and I had to grab her and sprint outside.

Grass was in short supply and the only tree, the massive oak across the road, was protected by a stone wall four feet high. I would have to drop her over it and then somehow scoop her out. I imagined loading Shadow into a bucket and lowering her to the roots of the oak with a rope. In my little fantasy Shadow wore a yellow mining helmet with a round light.

Clearly, I’d been staring at the computer for too long.

We took Shadow to the area behind the motor pool instead. Grandma Frida had set up a picnic table to the right, and we landed there, deposited the little dog on the pavement, and chorused, “Go potty!” in encouraging voices.

Shadow looked at us and wagged her little black tail.

“Whatever is cooking in the kitchen smells amazing. What are we having?” Runa asked.

“Lemon roasted chicken with rosemary baked potatoes, chive butter, kale and Brussels sprout salad with tahini maple dressing, and an apple pithivier.”

Runa gave me a long look.

“I cook when I’m stressed out. It sounds more complicated than it is. In reality, it’s mostly season things, dump them in a baking pan, and stick them in the oven.”

The little dog wandered off.

“What’s a PTVA?”

“It’s a French pie-cake made with puff pastry. The traditional version uses rum and almonds, but nobody likes rum, so I make mine with apples.”

Shadow trotted around, periodically paused to sniff at some random spot of asphalt, carefully considered it, then moved on. Apparently, selecting the perfect place to pee was vitally important.

“I need to catch you up on what we have so far.” I summarized the last few days for her; Diatheke, Celia, Benedict, Keystone, the chase, and Alessandro’s involvement. I kept the information about his database private. I didn’t know what it meant yet in the big picture.

She rubbed her face with both hands. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that.”

“It’s my job.” But yeah, it sucked. “I’m sorry we haven’t found Halle. But so far the evidence seems to point to kidnapping, not murder.”

Professionally I knew that we were doing everything we could. Personally, the guilt drowned me. No matter how many times I warned myself, I thought of Runa as my friend. I desperately needed to fix this for her, and this case was a quicksand trap. Copyright 2016 - 2024