The Sapphire Child (The Raj Hotel #2) - Janet MacLeod Trotter Page 0,82

his father and Esmie had always used – and Stella. He didn’t want to think of them. To do so was too unsettling. His life was here, and the choice he had to make was whether he wanted to share his future in Scotland with Felicity or not.

Chapter 28

The Raj Hotel, Rawalpindi, November 1940

Stella carried around Hugh’s letter and pulled it out to read whenever she had a moment alone. The paper was tearing at the creases with the constant folding and unfolding. Her insides somersaulted every time she reread it, even though she knew the words by heart.

My dear Stella,

What a surprise and a delight it was to receive your letter! I was on the point of writing to you myself, having discovered from Andrew that you were still in Pindi. It was fate brought me and young Lomax together that night. If we hadn’t met, I would never have known that you had tried to write back to me. All these years I have lived with the thought that you didn’t care for me and hadn’t thought of me since. But now I’m daring to hope that you still have some affection for me. Do I hope in vain?

I’m travelling a lot at the moment and only picked up your letter this week. I’m helping the government with sourcing supplies for the forces. I hope very much to get up to the Punjab soon and will endeavour to visit you in Pindi if I can. First, I must know if the lovely Dubois girl with the pretty green eyes would want to see me again? Please write to me soon, Stella, and let me know.

Affectionately yours,


Stella had written straight back but had heard nothing since. That was three weeks ago. She assured herself that he was away travelling again and would reply as soon as he was back in Calcutta. She was thrilled at the turn of events. How clever of Andrew to have spotted Hugh in Edinburgh. She would write and thank him when she wasn’t so busy.

Her life was filled with purpose these days. She got up early to help in the hotel and then went to do clerical duties for the WAC at one of the metal workshops that were making hinges and handles for army supplies. She returned home in time to play with Charles before he was bathed and put to bed by his ayah.

By the time Stella had returned from Gulmarg in September, Charles had developed a lot since she’d last seen him in May. He was sitting up, pointing and laughing, and four more teeth had come through. She loved his soft dark hair, round brown eyes and chubby chin. Recently he had been attempting to crawl.

One November day, on the bungalow veranda in the mellow afternoon sunshine, Stella was encouraging her sturdy nephew by putting him on his tummy, getting down beside him and crawling herself. Her mother watched from a cane chair where she was putting up her feet for five minutes.

Stella then sat him on her knee and began singing nursery rhymes, helping him clap his hands and count his fingers.

Her mother rolled her eyes but couldn’t help an indulgent smile. ‘I don’t know why you turned down that Gibson boy – it’s obvious you’re longing to have your own child.’

Stella was startled at the truth of it. ‘Monty wasn’t the right man for me,’ she replied.

Her mother was frank. ‘You can’t be too choosy at your age.’

Stella tried not to show the remark hurt. ‘So you keep telling me, Ma.’

‘Well, I just want to see you settled. Your father did too . . .’

Stella cuddled Charles closer.

Just then, Jimmy appeared in the courtyard. ‘Stella, there’s someone to see you. I’ve just checked him into the Lytton Room and he said he’d wait for you in the sitting room.’

Her heart skipped a beat. ‘Oh?’

‘Says he knows you from your trip to Scotland. A Mr Keating.’

Stella could feel the heat flood her cheeks. She handed Charles to her mother and quickly stood up, brushing the dust from her skirt. She tried to calm her thumping pulse by tidying her hair and taking deep breaths. He hadn’t replied, but he’d come in person instead!

‘Is this the mystery man whose letter you keep on you the whole time?’ her mother asked suspiciously.

‘Yes,’ Stella admitted. She didn’t want to deny it and her mother was about to find out how she felt about Hugh anyway.

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