The Sapphire Child (The Raj Hotel #2) - Janet MacLeod Trotter Page 0,38

and talked animatedly with Mrs Langley about surrealism.

Stella observed the boys staring with interest at the paintings.

‘Does it make you want to be an artist too?’ Stella asked Andrew.

‘Andrew’s going to be a soldier like his pater,’ Noel said at once.

Andrew shrugged. ‘Maybe a soldier and an artist,’ he answered with a bashful smile.

Chapter 15

Stella saw Lydia looking out for them as the Langleys’ car pulled up under the portico. She waved and came out to meet them.

‘How was tea with Tibby? Not too much of a trial, I hope. Come in for a drink – it’s the cocktail hour.’

‘We won’t stay,’ said Mr Langley through the open window.

‘Oh do!’ Lydia insisted. ‘I’ve had a rather dreary day with a friend who could only talk about her cats.’

‘Just for one, then,’ Mr Langley agreed.

The boys sprang out of the car and began gabbling about their visit.

‘Goodness,’ said Lydia, interrupting their flow. ‘Run along now and wash your hands – they look rather grubby. And, Stella’ – Lydia turned to her – ‘a letter came for you. I gave it to Lily to put in your room. The postmark was Dublin. I didn’t know you had Irish relations.’

‘I don’t,’ Stella said in bemusement.

Andrew gave her a strange look. ‘It might be that Irishman from the ship.’

‘What Irishman?’ demanded Lydia.

Stella flushed. She shot Andrew a pleading look.

‘I shared a cabin with him,’ said Andrew hastily. ‘He was a good sort. He was on crutches because of a bullet wound to his knee, so I helped him out.’

‘So why is he writing to Stella and not you?’ Lydia asked.

Andrew shrugged.

Stella recovered her surprise. ‘It’s much more likely to be from our chaperone, Miss Jessop. She was going to do some travelling.’

Lydia lost interest. ‘Well, go and keep an eye on the boys, will you? Make sure they don’t do any damage to Mummy’s flowers.’

Stella hid her frustration. All she wanted to do was rush up to her attic room and see if the letter really was from Hugh. How had he got this address? He must have remembered Andrew telling him where his mother lived. She was filled with excitement, but she had to curb her impatience as she followed the boys outside.

It was another hour before the Langleys left and Stella was able to run up to her room. She seized the envelope on her bedside cabinet and tore it open. Glancing quickly at the end, her heart drummed to see that it was from Hugh.

Stella sank onto the bed, lay on her back and read it with shaking hands.

My dear Stella,

How are you? I hope you are well and that you are enjoying your first trip ‘home’ to Britain. Is it as good as you expected? What is Andrew’s mother like? I hope she’s not the dragon you remembered from your childhood! The important thing is that she’s kind to her son so I hope he is having a jolly time of it too.

I am having a pleasant time in good old Ireland. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to be able to walk outside without being scorched by the sun or drenched in sweat in two minutes. Now I just get drenched in rain! But I’m happy to swap the heat of India for the rain of Ireland for a few months.

My leg is healing well and I’m getting about now with a stick instead of crutches. I hope to be riding soon and by the time I return to India maybe I’ll be able to play polo again. I’m visiting lots of relations and enjoying drinking a decent stout – one of the things I miss in India.

I must confess that it won’t be so hard returning east now that I know there’s a pretty green-eyed girl living in Pindi. I have every intention of visiting The Raj Hotel someday and hope you will be there.

I think of you often, Stella, and wish we could have had another week on board the Rajputana together. The final days dragged after you’d gone. I missed our games of backgammon and chats on deck – and especially kissing those sensuous lips of yours. To tell the truth, I spend every day pining for you and your beautiful green eyes.

Do you miss me too? I have to know. Because if you do, Stella, then would you consider being my girl? But perhaps you’ve met some handsome Scotchman and haven’t given me another thought. If that is so, then please ignore Copyright 2016 - 2024