The Sapphire Child (The Raj Hotel #2) - Janet MacLeod Trotter Page 0,170

sobbed into her shoulder.

Esmie said gently, ‘It must be very emotional, seeing Belle again?’

Stella made a supreme effort to stop weeping. She broke away and fumbled for a handkerchief. Glancing round, she saw Belle had retreated to Gabina and was watching her warily.

‘Yes, it is.’ Stella was frank. ‘I’ve missed her so much. But that’s not why I’ve come. I sent a telegram. Gabina said you didn’t get it.’

‘No,’ said Esmie. ‘When did you send it?’

‘Three days ago.’

‘Ah, well. Things are less reliable these days – the war has other priorities.’

With a leaden heart, Stella said, ‘As soon as I heard about Andrew, I knew I had to be with you.’

Esmie was startled. ‘So, you’ve heard?’ she asked.

With fresh tears welling, Stella nodded. ‘I – I got a letter . . . from Andrew.’

‘You did?’ Esmie steered her into a chair. ‘It’s been such a terrible time, hasn’t it?’

Stella blew her nose. ‘How is Mr Lomax? He must be distraught.’

Esmie sat down beside her. ‘He couldn’t bear to wait around here. He’s gone to be with Andrew.’

It was distressing to think of Tom, half out of his mind with grief, rushing off to find Andrew’s grave. How very cruel for him to have lost his only son to war as well as his only daughter at birth.

‘Life is so unfair!’ Stella cried. ‘I can’t believe how strong you are being.’

Esmie gave a puzzled smile. ‘I know it’s very worrying, but at least we still have him. There’s every hope.’

Confused, Stella met her look. ‘You mean we still have Mr Lomax?’

Esmie frowned. ‘No, I mean we still have Andrew.’

Stella felt faint. ‘I don’t understand. Andrew is d-dead. I had his letter from Captain Grant – to be sent if he didn’t survive . . .’

Esmie looked baffled and then grabbed her hand. ‘No! He’s not dead. It’s Captain Grant who died. There must have been a mix-up about the letter.’

‘Not dead?’ Stella whispered. ‘Andrew’s not dead?’

‘Oh, poor lassie! No wonder you’re in such a state.’ Esmie squeezed her hand. ‘Andrew was wounded in battle but he’s still alive. He was taken to hospital in Comilla – near Calcutta – and that’s where Tom’s gone.’

Stella staggered to the veranda rail. She leaned over and vomited into the half-frozen rose bush below. Her head spun, and then her knees buckled with the shock and she gripped the rail to stop herself collapsing. A moment later, she felt Esmie’s hands holding her up.

‘There, there, my poor lamb,’ she said. ‘I’m so sorry you’ve had to suffer over this misunderstanding. I was waiting to write to you until I had better news from Tom. But Andy’s still alive and – God willing – he’ll recover and Tom will bring him home. We must hope for the best. Don’t cry, Stella.’

Stella gave a sob of relief. Just then, she felt a soft patting on her stockinged leg. She looked down to see Belle staring up at her with solemn eyes.

‘Don’t cry, S’ella,’ Belle repeated, ‘don’t cry.’

Later, after Esmie had ordered up fresh tea and toast, they sat in the annex sitting room while Gabina took Belle for a short walk.

Esmie told Stella all she knew. ‘According to Andrew’s superior, Major Swinson, poor Captain Grant was shot dead by a sniper and Andrew was injured in a mortar attack – just when they thought the battle was over. Your letter from Andrew must have been sent when someone went through the captain’s effects, but Andrew wouldn’t have been there to stop it. By then he was being airlifted out of the Arakan to hospital.’

‘How bad is he?’ Stella asked anxiously.

‘He suffered head injuries and he’s lost the sight in one eye.’ Esmie spoke calmly but Stella could see by her drawn features that the worry had taken its toll. ‘They hope the sight loss might be temporary, but he was weakened by a bout of fever in Comilla. That’s why Tom felt he had to be with him. His latest telegram was much more hopeful.’

Esmie drew it from a pocket and showed it to Stella: Fever passed and Andrew stronger – STOP – Injuries healing but concern over sight – STOP – Humour intact

Stella handed it back with an anxious smile.

‘We must pray his sight recovers,’ said Esmie, her expression pained. ‘I’m just thankful that Tom is with him.’

Stella was still shaking from the shock of discovering Andrew was still alive and hearing of the death of his friend John.

‘Dear Captain Grant,’ Stella said. ‘He was such Copyright 2016 - 2024