The Sapphire Child (The Raj Hotel #2) - Janet MacLeod Trotter Page 0,16

of that.’

‘And it won’t just be the two of you all the time. You’ll meet your grandmother and Auntie Tibby too. I’m sure they’ll all welcome you with open arms.’

At last, Andrew smiled. A little bashfully, he said, ‘Thanks, Stella.’

Then he reached for Frisky and began fussing over the dog. ‘Come on, boy. Let’s race Stella back to the hotel.’

Jumping to his feet, Andrew sped off with Frisky chasing him and Stella following along behind.

It was arranged that Ada would come up to Gulmarg and help out in her place, while their cousin Lucy would take over Ada’s duties with Mrs Shankley at the Raj.

Ada arrived two days before Stella and Andrew were due to depart. The cousins hugged in delight.

‘I’m so envious of you visiting Britain,’ said Ada. ‘My dad hasn’t stopped going on about what a privilege it is – keeps saying you’re taking a trip home.’ Ada laughed. ‘It’s not as if our family even came from Scotland. I think the Dixons were from Yorkshire.’

‘Dear Uncle Toby,’ said Stella in amusement. ‘I’ll bring him back something special from home.’

‘Just think of it,’ said Ada with a dreamy look. ‘In a few days you’ll be at sea and mixing with all those young officers and businessmen. Bet you come back engaged.’

‘I certainly won’t,’ Stella said with a roll of her eyes. ‘I want to see a bit of life before getting married. Don’t you?’

‘I suppose so. You will come back?’ Ada looked suddenly anxious.

‘Of course I will.’ Stella took her cousin by the hand. ‘Come on; let me introduce you to the handsome Felix. He’ll teach you how to make pastry that melts in the mouth.’

The day before leaving Gulmarg, Stella received an airmail letter from Lydia saying how delighted she was to hear from Tom that it was Stella who would be accompanying Andrew and ‘not some timid little ayah’.

Yet Stella was uncomfortable at the words that followed.

It will be lovely to see if you are still as pretty and engaging as the child I remember. We’ll keep quiet about your being Anglo-Indian. Not that it bothers me but some of the county set can be a bit stuffy. It helps that you don’t look at all native. Mummy is dying to meet you again.

She showed it to Esmie.

‘Typical Lydia,’ Esmie said with a look of irritation. ‘She just says what’s in her mind without thinking. She doesn’t mean to cause offence.’ She put her arm around Stella. ‘If she gets too overbearing and you want to escape, you must go and stay with Tibby at The Anchorage. Promise me you will? Tom’s written to his sister and told her to befriend you.’

Stella nodded in thanks. ‘What’s Tibby like?’

Esmie smiled. ‘She’s great fun. A bit eccentric in her tastes but she’s one of the kindest people I know. I’ve no idea how she keeps the old castle going – her father died leaving her with hardly a penny – but she’s made it a haven for struggling young artists and they earn their keep by helping around the house and gardens.’

‘Sounds an interesting place,’ said Stella. ‘I wouldn’t mind doing my bit if she needs a hand.’

Esmie squeezed her shoulders. ‘I know you wouldn’t, kind girl. But this is a holiday for you. Tibby will just be happy if you visit her.’

Stella said, ‘You and Mr Lomax are so kind to let me go. I feel a bit bad that it’s not you taking Andrew for a visit to Scotland. I know how you miss it.’

Esmie stiffened. ‘It’s best if I don’t. It would be awkward. Lydia and I don’t see eye to eye any more.’

‘Can I ask why, Mrs Lomax?’

Esmie hesitated before saying, ‘I say this in confidence, Stella. It was Lydia’s decision to part with Tom but even so, I think she resents me being with him.’ She gave a pained look. ‘Adults can be very complicated.’ She forced a smile. ‘But I don’t want my estrangement with Lydia to overshadow your trip. I’m sure you’re going to have a wonderful time.’

Stella remembered anew how difficult Lydia had sometimes been as Tom’s wife and how she’d lorded it over the staff and guests at the Raj. It left Stella with a twinge of apprehension.

‘Oh, and there’s one other thing you should know,’ said Esmie, with an uncomfortable look. ‘Lydia still goes by her married name. Despite not having been with Tom for years, she likes to be called Mrs Lomax.’

They left at dawn on the Copyright 2016 - 2024