The Sapphire Child (The Raj Hotel #2) - Janet MacLeod Trotter Page 0,139

time she arrived back at the Raj, Stella was feeling optimistic that she could do something useful. If she couldn’t be Belle’s mother, she would be the best auxiliary corps woman she could be.

Chapter 48

As soon as Stella entered the hotel lobby, she could sense the excitement among the residents.

Jimmy, hovering like an eager impresario, caught sight of his sister and beckoned her over.

‘Stella! Come, come! We have a very special surprise guest.’

At the mention of her name, the visitor leapt to his feet and swung round. He was so tall that he had to duck beneath the dim light-fitting that hung overhead. He came towards her.

Stella’s heart thumped in shock. For a dizzying moment she thought it was Tom. But this man was too young to be the captain and he was broader in the shoulders.

He gave a tentative smile. ‘Stella, you haven’t changed a bit – apart from the uniform.’

Stella found her voice. ‘Andrew?’

He gave a bashful laugh. ‘Yes. It’s been a long time.’

She felt a surge of happiness and excitement that immediately seemed to leave her speechless. Of course he wasn’t the boy that she had left behind at Ebbsmouth all those years ago, but she was taken aback by this tall handsome military man who was a stranger, and yet with the lively eyes and the generous smile that were so dearly familiar to her.

He held out his hand. Ignoring it, Stella threw her arms around him and cried, ‘Oh, Andrew! It’s so good to see you!’

After a moment’s hesitation, she felt his arms go around her and they hugged tightly. Stella’s head only came up to his chest and for a few seconds she rested it there, her eyes flooding with tears. It was the most comforting feeling in the world to be held by her childhood friend.

‘Bravo!’ cried Ansom. ‘Old friends reunited, eh?’

Andrew kissed her lightly on the head, and she felt a ripple of delight and comfort. Then they were breaking away.

‘It’s so strange,’ said Stella, wiping at her eyes. ‘I was just thinking of you as I walked back from Ada’s. There were Scottish soldiers drilling at the Victoria Barracks.’

‘The Borderers are there too,’ said Andrew. ‘We’re in transit.’

Stella gave him an anxious look. ‘Where are you going next?’

‘Can’t say for sure.’

He stepped aside for her to go first in joining the others. Stella had the impression he knew more than he was allowed to say. It worried her that he might be going east to fight the Japanese.

‘Sit down with us, Stella,’ said Hester. ‘You deserve a break, and it’s not often we get our darling Andrew with us, is it?’

Stella saw Jimmy nod in agreement, so she ordered a nimbu pani, noticing that Andrew had also chosen the lemon drink rather than a whisky. She listened to the men speculating about the war.

Stella sipped her drink and watched Andrew as he fielded their questions, making light of the frontier skirmishes he’d been involved in. Again, he reminded her of a younger Tom in his self-deprecating manner, deep voice and easy laughter. She longed to speak to him alone and have the chance to talk about family issues.

All too soon he was draining his drink and standing up. ‘I’m sorry to have to leave such delightful company, but I’m expected in the mess in half an hour.’

Stella followed him to the door, her pulse beginning to race. ‘When do you leave?’

He gave her a regretful look. ‘The day after tomorrow.’

She swallowed. ‘So, they’re giving you no time to visit Gulmarg.’

He shook his head, his expression sad. ‘But perhaps we could meet again before I go?’

‘I’d like that,’ she agreed quickly. ‘Can you come to the hotel for a meal?’

He hesitated. ‘Why don’t we meet for a morning ride like old times? More chance to talk.’ He smiled as he glanced at the chattering residents.

‘I haven’t had a pony for years,’ said Stella with a wry look. ‘But I’m prepared to race you on my bicycle.’

Andrew grinned. ‘I’ll borrow a bike so you have half a chance of keeping up with me.’

Stella laughed. ‘The challenge is on!’

‘Tomorrow at dawn?’ he suggested.

‘I’ll see you then,’ Stella agreed.

Andrew nodded and, putting on his cap, strode out of the hotel. He turned at the top of the path and waved. Stella waved back and then went inside. She couldn’t believe how in such a short time she had gone from feeling so desolate to being uplifted by a new vitality and hope.

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