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again and aren’t interested in scrumptious, hot love scenes, then this story probably isn’t for you. You’d be missing out—big time—but yeah…it’s probably not for you.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Afternoon Rhapsody:

“I have a beachside bungalow, not far from where we met this morning,” Brody told her as he quickened his pace.

She needed no encouragement to match his steps, although she had to take two for every one of his. “Me too.” Excitement fizzed inside her. “Whichever one we get to first, we go into.”


Dripping wet, they scooted through the gardens, their steps increasing in speed from a brisk walk to a gentle trot to an all-out run. Bianca was about to shift into sprint mode when Brody took a sudden left and nipped behind an oasis of trees. He took her with him.

“What the…? What are you doing?”

He pressed his finger to her lips. “Shh.”

That was when she heard it. Footsteps and animated chatter. She couldn’t identify the voices, there were too many of them, but the words wedding, groom and bachelor party drifted her way, and she was suddenly jolly appreciative of Brody’s quick thinking.

Just like she wasn’t ready to face her parents, Danny or Great Aunt Alberta, so she wasn’t ready for anyone she knew to see her with Brody. Wasn’t ready for the speculative glances or raised eyebrows. Wasn’t ready for Rick’s name to come up while she was with him.

“Good thinking,” she whispered.

“Selfish thinking,” he whispered back, and kissed her again.

And just like that, Bianca forgot all about the people walking by. Hidden from view, she forgot all about everything except the man who crushed her to him. The man whose back was bent so he could reach her mouth with his. The man whose erection seemed to have grown in the time it took them to cross the hundred meters from the pool to here.

And she knew it had grown because she could feel it. Her hand was on the front of his boardies, cupping him. She had no memory of placing her hand there, just a vague recollection of needing to touch him so badly, she thought for sure she’d die if she didn’t.

Brody growled into her mouth but did not release her lips. Which suited her just fine, because she wouldn’t have let him go had he tried. Not when his tongue did deliciously naughty things to the inside of her mouth. Not when his lips pressed so enticingly against hers. Not when she inhaled the air he breathed.

Brody’s soft growl changed to a ragged groan when the barrier of his wet boardies proved too annoying, and she slipped her hand beneath the sodden material, taking his hot, pulsing cock in her palm.

Then it wasn’t just Brody groaning. Bianca let out a soft moan, the feel of his hard flesh enough to set fire to her loins.

Satin-covered steel.

She wrapped her hand around him, stroking up and down. Not easy. Not within the confines of his shorts, but God help her, she wasn’t letting go. Not for anything. Not when her actions made him shiver as they kissed.

Not when liquid heat filled her pussy, her stomach clenched with desire and her heart pounded fiercely beneath her breast. Not when the throbbing vein lining his dick made her aware of how alive she felt with him. How her own blood roared in her ears.

Pearls of moisture beaded on the tip of his erection. She stopped breathing. Ran her thumb over the wetness. Moaned.

He tore his lips from hers. “Bee…”

Her name was both a salutation and a plea. His eyes blazed with passion.

Their bungalows suddenly seemed very far away. Unreachable.

Didn’t matter. They could make it. If they walked really fast. Okay, sprinted, they could do it. Get there before the passion overwhelmed them.

“Room,” she gasped. “We can make it if we hurry.”

Brody stared at her with wide eyes.

“Not too far,” she muttered, her heart slamming into her ribs. “Not far at all.”

“Y-you’re serious?”

“Dead serious.”

Disbelief filled his gaze.

“We can run,” she assured him.

His only response was a hoarse laugh. Hoarse and sexy.

Bee would have replied but she couldn’t. Her mouth was otherwise occupied. As she’d presented Brody with her best verbal argument, she’d slid to her knees and yanked at the tie on his waistband, torn at the Velcro and finally gotten his boardies undone. Tempting and hard in her hand, his erection now pulsed before her eyes, its tip sodden.

Bee couldn’t wait. No longer wanted to. She didn’t care where they stood. Trees surrounded them, Copyright 2016 - 2024