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could he make love. The proof was in every ache and pain now covering her body.

Zoë was jerked from her wonderings when Trent said, “So, you’ve made your mind up?”

Startled, she released her bike, grasping it at the last minute before it fell. “Trent? Hi. What?” She grabbed the kickstand off the back fender and placed the triangular piece of metal in the small hole near the foot pedal and released the bike.

Like her, he was dressed for riding minus their helmets and goggles. “I haven’t been able to get close to you since last night.” He glanced over at Josh and Drew as they were folding up the grill and packing it away. “You sure he’s what you want?”

She could feel her smile radiate from the inside out. “I’m sorry, Trent, but yes.” How could she tell him that Drew was all she had ever wanted?

Trent shook his head, even as he muttered, “You look happy.”

Zoë hated hurting Trent. They had been good together—friends, but she had never loved him. Right or wrong, he had been a replacement for Drew.

Trent pushed a heavy breath from his lungs. “If you ever need me or—” He paused. His lips thinned. His smile appeared tight, forced. “You know how to get in touch with me.” He wrapped his arms around her.

From over Trent’s shoulder, Zoë saw Drew frown. He started toward them when Josh restrained him with a hand on his shoulder. They exchanged words. Drew was not happy, but evidently her brother had convinced him not to intervene. Zoë would have to remember to thank Josh.

Trent gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and released her, but not before he whispered, “I love you.” He didn’t wait for her response. He spun around and headed for his rail. In seconds, the engine roared and he sped away—alone.

Something squeezed Zoë’s chest. She felt moisture fill her eyes. How long had Trent felt that way about her? She had been so engulfed in her own life—career—that she truly hadn’t thought about how her actions might affect others. Damn her for being so self-centered.

Drew gave her a nod and she faked a smile. For someone who had just received everything she had ever wanted, Zoë was confused. Trent’s vow. Not to mention she had no idea what Drew expected from her.

They hadn’t really discussed her career, but she knew it was in the back of Drew’s mind. She had once told her boss that her edge came from not being afraid to die. Well, she had someone to live for now and it scared the shit out of her. One wrong landing or miscalculation and—

Dammit. She couldn’t think like that. Fear made a poor companion on a ride and Phoenix was only a night away. She had scheduled several jumps, each increasing in difficulty. The crowd would expect it—crave it.

For the first time in her career, Zoë wasn’t looking forward to her ride. In fact, she was dreading it.

“You okay?” Drew asked as he approached. He looked in the direction that Trent had disappeared. “What did he say to upset you?” Drew’s backbone went ramrod straight.

“Nothing,” she lied. Trent had opened her eyes. Things would be changing and Zoë didn’t know if she was strong enough to endure.

Drew was perceptive as he searched her face. “Not buying it, babe. Spill it.”

She hesitated before coming right to the point. “How do you see this thing between us playing out?”

He stiffened even more. “Playing out? I don’t exactly know what you mean, Zoë.”

“Your job? Mine? Do you plan for us to live together? Where?” Exasperation left her lungs in a rush. “What do you expect of me? To quit my job…be your wife…have children?” She felt flustered and it gnawed at her gut. She needed answers. Before today all she had to worry about was herself.

He reached for her, holding her at arm’s length. “Breathe.”

Crap. She hadn’t realized that she’d worked herself into a tizzy. She inhaled a much-needed breath. “We live such different lives.” Tears beat behind her eyelids. “My job keeps me on the road. I’m never in one place for very long.”

“Do you love me?” he asked as if it was the simplest of questions to answer.


“Do. You. Love. Me?” he repeated firmly.


He drew her next to the warmth of his body. “Everything else will work itself out. I’ll compromise—you’ll compromise. We’ll make this work.”

“But how?” she asked, resting her cheek against his chest.

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