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sound of his voice.

“Not Josh and me.” He set the plate down on a chair and hurried to her side. “You and me—alone.” He poured all his sexuality into his voice. “Come on, baby.” He lowered his tone and brushed his hand up her arm. “Let’s take a ride.”

She bent down, pointing to certain parts of her bike as if she mentally checked off all necessary items that should be verified before she rode. Then she stepped around him, grabbing a gas can to top off the bike’s tank.

“Nothing’s in Brawley. Came through it on my way here.” She popped up so quickly it caused him to stumble backward to avoid clashing with her. “But knock yourself out. See for yourself.”

Shit. This was harder than he thought. He brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. “How about you and me go back to bed?”

Her brows rose mockingly before she placed her hot pink helmet over her head. The matching goggles followed.

Damn. He’d forgotten about the tampons. And how many helmets did this woman own? Even her boots and gloves matched.

When she threw her leg over the bike, he shot a desperate glance toward Josh. There didn’t appear to be anything that was stopping her and Drew wasn’t ready to go riding. He had counted on taking her back to bed or going to Brawley.

“Wait. I’ll go get dressed and we’ll ride together.” He hastily started toward Josh’s trailer as Josh moved to his quad.

“Can’t. Stomach’s growling. Gotta go.” She raised her foot and kick-started the bike. The engine roared to life. With a twist of the wrist, she throttled it. Her front tire rose from the ground as she rode her back one.

“Shit.” Drew made a beeline for the trailer.

Josh was already hot on her trail.

Chapter Ten


Laughter bubbled up inside her, recalling the panicked expressions on both Josh’s and Drew’s faces when she asked them to pick up some tampons. Fast thinking. Pretty clever too, if she said so herself. Certainly, that little revelation would extinguish Drew’s desire. All she needed was for him to keep his distance throughout today and tonight.

As she ripped through the sands of Glamis on her bike, the crisp chill of morning stung her cheeks. She loved morning rides. Everything seemed so fresh and new. It was the hours that followed that usually screwed it all up.

From the corner of her eye she could see Josh following her. So, between Drew and Josh she was going to be on a short leash. A flash of temper rose when she thought of Drew insinuating that he was going to counseling with her. The man had some nerve. Hell, if it wasn’t for him she probably wouldn’t be going. Before she took off for Phoenix she’d set both Drew and Josh straight. She was a big girl now. She didn’t need or want male interference in her life.

Ahhh…hell. That wasn’t true either. She had never felt anything like Drew’s thick, hard cock filling her. Her nipples puckered at the thought. She loved the little growl in his voice, the way he dominated her—fucked her.

Still, she didn’t want Drew because he felt guilty or sorry for her. That was worse than not having him at all. And she couldn’t believe that Josh was in on this, probably the one who talked Drew into seducing her.

How was that for brotherly love? Couldn’t he just believe in her? Support the one thing in life she loved?

Her skin felt too tight. She could feel her blood begin to boil, a prickly sensation moving just below the surface. With the rise of anger she increased the throttle. It seemed that the two went hand in hand. Anger and speed.

No. She cut the gas, slowing down. That was before. Her riding would not be dictated by her mood. She was a good rider. Damn good. She had a bright future ahead of her if she used her head wisely. Yet she couldn’t pass the jump that approached. She hit it going a reasonable speed, catching air as she lunged off a dune.

Man, there was nothing like being airborne, heavy metal between her thighs. She landed the bike and didn’t look back to see if Josh took the jump too.

The distance from Gecko campground to the small beach store was quite a ride, but finally she pulled in front of the restaurant and cut her engine. She wasn’t really hungry anymore, but what the hell—she was here.

“Shit. Zoë, you were flying.” Josh Copyright 2016 - 2024