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heard by all.

Loud thumps, pounding on the outside of the toy hauler, confirmed it. Everyone had heard Zoë’s cry of passion. Muffled laughter and dirty comments permeated the walls of the trailer.

From between Zoë’s legs he gazed up at her. He didn’t know if the flush on her cheeks was embarrassment or the heat of the moment. Yet he knew the twinkle in her eyes was for him and him alone.

The trailer began to rock as the people outside pushed and shoved. Josh had found himself a wild bunch to party with tonight and it appeared Zoë and he were their entertainment.

Slowly Drew covered Zoë with his heated body. Nothing would stop him from taking her again. With a single thrust his cock slid into her warm, wet core. She arched, releasing an audible sigh as he drove deep inside. Picking up the rhythm of the rocking trailer and ignoring the boisterous crowd, he made love to Zoë before falling asleep in her arms.

Chapter Nine

It had to be seven o’clock, end of curfew, because engines began to start one after another. Eyes closed, Zoë listened to the high-pitched intensity of a Suzuki winding up and the four-beat roar of a Kawasaki. Scents of gas and oil drifted through the open window at the back of the trailer.

Crap. That’s why her and Drew’s little party had been shared with everyone outside. The walls were thin enough as it was. An open window brought every sound and smell inside out and outside in. She couldn’t help the smile that crept across her face. It was the second time last night that they had been caught with their pants down, literally.

A gentle breeze stirred the curtains and the light of day peeked through.

Yawning, Zoë stretched her arms, reaching high above her head and lengthening her body.


Muscles she hadn’t used in a while made themselves known. She was delightfully sore. Thoughts of their decadent night, the way Drew held her, touched her, came back to widen her smile. Every minute spent with Drew was worth the sweet discomfort she now felt. With a casual turn she rolled over to wish him good morning, only to discover that she was alone in bed.

A moment of panic overtook her, disappearing when she remembered Drew was an early riser. The sheet slipped off her naked body as she rose. The linoleum floor was cold beneath her feet. Every time she moved she found a new place that was tender. As she drew closer to the open window, she could smell bacon cooking. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since early yesterday.

Pulling back the curtain, she could see both Josh and Drew standing around the cook stove that Josh preferred using instead of the one in his trailer. Josh was dressed to ride in a red Fox outfit, while Drew wore jeans and a polo shirt. Kind of odd attire for the desert.

Grease popped as she heard Drew say, “I plan on going with Zoë for counseling.”

Zoë’s jaw dropped. How does he know about— Dave. I’ll kill the bastard when I get my hands on him. Damn boss was worse than a nosy family member. She’d only agreed to go to counseling after he threatened to contact Josh. Sonofabitch did it anyway.

With a spatula, Josh began to remove bacon from the pan. “Keep her in bed and she won’t get an opportunity to hurt herself.”

Ohmygod. They know everything. Humiliation fanned across her cheeks, fast and furious.

Drew slapped Josh on the back. “That’s my plan, bro.”

“Yeah. I know. We heard you. Sounded like you two had a good time.” Josh dodged Drew’s playful swing.

The curtain slipped out of Zoë’s hands. She blinked back disbelief. Plan? Her stomach suddenly spasmed. She bent at the waist, clutching her arms around herself. She was going to be sick. What was last night? A pity fuck?

How could she be so stupid? Drew didn’t care about her—not on an intimate level. It was some elaborate plan for…what—to stop her from killing herself?

She drew herself to her full height.

If Dave told Josh about the counseling, then he also told her brother about why she was going and his theory on her death wish. As if the thought even entered her mind. She was a daredevil, not stupid.

And Josh had told Drew.

Tears welled in Zoë’s eyes, but she fought them with anger. Blinking hard, she pushed them right back where they came from. “You righteous sons of bitches.” The trailer shook beneath her Copyright 2016 - 2024