Sand Angel Page 0,26

nodded in the direction of the quad. “Leave the bikes out tonight and they’ll be gone in the morning.”

“She’s right. I’ll take care of locking down ours. You guys put Zoë’s in the hauler,” Josh said as the redhead closed in on him. He laughed. By the looks of how the woman was coming on to Josh, he’d better put the bikes away sooner than later, because the woman had plans for him tonight.

Zoë broke away from Drew and headed for the trailer as he retrieved the quad. It didn’t take any time to get it loaded. The smell of gas and oil permeated the trailer.

“I need another shower,” she said, turning on the lights. Truth was, she needed a little time to think through this new revelation. Wash away the lust and get her shit together.

“I could use another shower too,” he said, kicking off his sandals.

There was no way they would both fit in the small enclosure. “You want to go first?” she asked, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the situation. She had lost control out in the desert. She couldn’t do that again. But dammit, she wanted this time together even if it was for just the weekend.

“Nah.” Drew made himself comfortable in a chair across from the table and watched her. He pushed to his feet and stood. Curling a finger in her direction, he called her to him. She went willingly, unable to resist. His arms closed around her. “You’re thinking too hard.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I don’t have all the answers, but for tonight let’s simply enjoy each other.” He paused. “Uh…we didn’t use a condom out there. Do I need to go get some?”

Enjoy each other? Easier said than done, but that’s exactly what Zoë wanted. One night wrapped in Drew’s arms. Tomorrow she could sort out how she would handle his leaving. But tonight she wanted to be smothered in his kisses, lost in his arms. “I’m clean and on birth control. You?”

He grinned. “Clean, minus the birth control.”

Warm hands dipped in the curve of her waist as they moved sinfully up her rib cage to the hem of her shirt. His thumbs grazed the underside of her breasts. The light sensation made her nipples tighten, and a delicious throb filled them. Their bodies parted long enough for him to relieve her of the shirt and then he removed his. When the sensitive nubs rubbed across his bare chest, she couldn’t help the soft mewl that escaped her mouth.

Her arms went around his neck as she pulled him into a kiss. As her tongue slipped into his mouth, she tasted hope and sweet expectation. Something she hadn’t felt in a long time. He made her forget. He made her believe.

Yet how could he chase away three long years and fill her with girlish dreams again? But that’s just what he did. Wrapped in his arms she could almost believe he wanted her this time and there was a chance for them to be together.

Fingertips tugged at her zipper. When he undid the button she didn’t know. Her zipper rasped and she found her shorts around her ankles. Never breaking the kiss, she stepped out of the cutoffs and toed off her tennis shoes. As she did, she heard another zipper fall, and Drew’s shorts followed hers to the floor.

The pressure of his cock against her belly made her deepen the kiss. Their tongues twined, mated. She couldn’t hold back the love she felt for him.

Yes. It was love. It had always been love. No matter how fast or far she ran she couldn’t evade the truth. She still loved Drew Thompson.

They were breathless when the kiss ended.

Cheek to cheek, he groaned, “I need to be inside you. I want to tie you up and fuck you so bad.” His mouth slid across hers, kissing her once more. When they parted, his gaze was dark, haunted.

Zoë silently backed away. What was going on here? She was losing herself in Drew again.

An expression of regret flashed across his face. “Zoë, I— Damn, woman.” Exasperation laced his words. He threaded his fingers through his hair. “You make me crazy. Make me think of the most perverse—wicked—things to do to your body. But I can’t help it—I never could. I want you every way imaginable.”

A weight in her chest made inhaling a monumental task. She swallowed hard, her tongue swiping between her dry lips. Did she dare give in to Copyright 2016 - 2024