Sand Angel Page 0,20

wanted her so bad his cock ached, but it was more than that.

Zoë drifted away from him. She peered over the ridge into the dark unknown. Drew couldn’t help but notice how lonely she looked standing there by herself.

Life was so unfair.

Time after time she had prayed to be wrapped in Drew’s arms. Now that it had happened, all she could think of was getting away from him. As her vision adjusted to the darkness, she wondered if she should load up and take off tonight. Maybe swing by Mom and Dad’s and make amends for staying away for so long. Or maybe she’d hit one of the clubs and go on a weekend drunk.

Her emotions were raw. The last thing she needed was Drew confusing her. But that’s just what he did as his warm hands slid around her waist, pulling her against his firm body. An impressive erection pressed against the small of her back as a shiver raked her.

She closed her eyes. Even now, her breasts swelled and her nipples were sensitive tips rasping against the cotton of her shirt. The pulse between her thighs begged to be stroked, filled. She fought the urge to wiggle against him. To work his hard cock between the cleft of her ass.

“Cold?” he hummed in her ear as his lips smoothed across her cheek and down her throat. The tickling sensation made her pull away, but he held her firmly against him.

“No.” Her answer came out a sigh. He sucked gently on her neck. “Drew, stop.”

“This?” he murmured as he nipped her neck and then repeated the light suction.

Through slightly raised eyelids she peered at him. “Yeah. That.” She tried to sound pissed, but she missed the mark. Instead she groaned the words and unconsciously bent her neck, giving him more access.

His large palm caressed her belly, then moved slowly to slip beneath her shirt and cup a breast.

She sucked in an audible breath and held it.

“Do you want me to stop this, too?” His thumb played over her nipple, teasing it to an aching peak. “Or do you want me to suck your nipple into my hot, wet mouth?”

“No. Yes,” she hissed, but it came out sultry instead of angry.

He pinched her nub and rays of desire shot through her breast. The back of her head fell against his chest. “Oh God.” Arousal dampened her thighs. Her nipple became unbelievably hard beneath his touch. Strings of desire pulled at her pussy. The small contractions increased with the steady pressure of his fingers.

His chuckle was soft and warm, filled with male satisfaction. “Do you like it hard, baby? Do you like sweet, sweet pain?”

Her mind screamed yes.

When he released her nipple, blood rushed in, along with the tingles of feeling that brought more delicious sensation.

No. Oh please no. Don’t stop.

Before she knew it he was fondling both her breasts. Her back arched, pressing her breasts into his hands. She should have felt shame for her surrender, her weakness. Still, she held on to the glimpse of hope that this time he would choose her. This time he would stay.

What a fool. What was she thinking? That maybe what she needed was a taste of him to quench her thirst. Perhaps all she needed to drive him from her soul was to experience what she had longed for all these years.

Fantasies were always better than the real thing—weren’t they? What she had felt for him was in the past. After she fucked him, she’d be able to walk away. Besides, he was just a man. Right?

“I’ve missed you, Zoë.” There was an ache in his voice as his tongue traced the shell of her ear. “I’ve been so lonely without you.”

Heat brushed her cheeks. He had no idea what lonely was. Lonely was three long years of sleepless nights. Lonely was a hunger never fed. Lonely was being in a crowd, but never really existing. Lonely was the unworthy feeling she got every time she pictured him walking out on her.

Now that was lonely.

She trembled. Her heart raced a staccato beat in her ears.

He tightened his arms around her. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

Damn him. Tears threatened to fall. She closed her eyes, refusing to give in to the pain burning behind them. “Drew, I can’t do this,” she choked. The seams of her soul felt like they were ripping. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold herself together.

Before she could resist, Drew spun her around and his lips Copyright 2016 - 2024