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shaking her from head to toe. The memory shifted and it was her nineteenth birthday. She stood before him ready, willing. They had spent a wonderful weekend at the lake. Loved and shared what Zoë had thought were plans for a future together. But they had been her desires—not his. Drew’s plans hadn’t included her. His career had been more important.

Zoë leaned forward, elbows on the table as she buried her face in her palms. Damn him for returning now. Just when she thought she had her life figured out he came waltzing in to mess with her head. She picked up the bottle and poured another glass. “No way,” she said before downing the liquor. She wasn’t falling for him a second time, no matter what.

Chapter Four

Laughter floated on the warm air. Drew sat on a lounge chair in the shade of the awning that hung from Josh’s fifth-wheel trailer, brooding, his gaze darting toward Zoë’s toy hauler. The beer in his hand was cold as he pressed it to his lips and let the amber liquid flow down his parched throat.

In the distance, campers were pouring in like ants, one right after another. Soon their semi-peaceful site would be swarming with people. And if Drew didn’t know better, they looked to be heading straight for him. As a barrage of trailers and campers descended, Drew wondered if Josh had invited all of Phoenix to California—at least that’s what it looked like from the Arizona license plates. Men and women poured from their vehicles, each having a handshake or hug for Josh as they stepped out to greet one another.

Not Drew’s thing. He wasn’t up for company. His confrontation with Zoë had not gone well. Though he did have to admit that for a brief second the unyielding woman had vanished and he had held the soft, warm girl she used to be. He had felt the moment of surrender when her body responded to his touch. Her nipple had been diamond-hard against his tongue. Her pussy wet and slick as his fingers probed between her thighs.

His cock jerked with the recollection. Again he felt the tingly sensation in his groin as blood rushed to fill his sac. This was what he had to look forward to over the long weekend. A woman who despised him and an eternal hard-on for said woman.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. The only thing that thwarted the direction his mind headed was Zoë’s silent tears. Her wet emotion pulled at his heartstrings. It was true that her body had been accommodating, but not her heart.

She hated him.

He had hurt her again.

The darn hamburger he’d eaten after he showered was now settling like a weight in his stomach. The near-empty beer he held wasn’t much better. He chugged down the remainder in one gulp, reached for the ice chest, retrieving another. With a quick twist, he popped the top and then took a sip. All the while, he continued to eye Zoë’s trailer, waiting for her to emerge.

Earlier, she had refused Josh’s encouragement to come out and eat. Her insistence had earned Drew a quiet scowl from her brother.

When a truck door slammed and a jolly howl followed, Drew turned his attention to the new arrivals.

Sonofabitch, if it wasn’t Dean Connor. Drew pushed to his feet and met Connor halfway.

“Well look what the dog dragged home.” Connor’s large hand jutted out in welcome. He pumped Drew’s arm like a water handle. “Shit, Drew. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” The brawny man released Drew and then slapped him on the back.

Connor had been a halfback for the Rattlers. Arena football was all the rage in Arizona. The man’s square jaw, muscular neck and rowdy good looks had always kept the women nipping at his heels. “Damn, buddy, I’m glad to see you made it back in one piece.”

Drew shared Connor’s sentiments. Yet there were times when Drew had wondered whether he would return. Fact was he came back with more than he left. A couple of pieces of shrapnel embedded in his body were souvenirs he would have rather left behind.

From the passenger side of Connor’s big, black truck, a pretty little sable-haired gal in a halter-top and a pair of short-shorts slipped out. With a sway to her hips, she sauntered up to Connor.

Her gaze danced across Drew in heated appreciation. “Dean, are you going to introduce me to your friend?” she purred, smiling up at Drew through heavy Copyright 2016 - 2024