Sand Angel Page 0,10

cocked a brow. “No, it isn’t. He won’t leave.”

“Drew?” Josh took a step up the ramp.

“Back out and shut that damn ramp.” The warning in Drew’s hoarse voice fell on deaf ears. Josh took another step toward them. Desperation was building fast inside Drew. He’d fight Josh if he had to, but he wasn’t leaving until he had his say.

Worry wrinkles creased Josh’s forehead. Indecision warred in the depths of his brown eyes as he looked at Zoë. “Sis. This has to stop, before something happens to you.” He pinned Drew with a stern glare. “Hurt her again and I’ll kill you.” There was an eerie softness in his tone that left no doubt he meant it. Gone was the casual camaraderie they had shared. He turned to his sister again. “Zoë?”

She was trembling. Hot daggers flew from her eyes as she glared at Drew.

“Zoë!” Josh repeated sternly.

“Okay,” she ground out between clenched teeth. “The good old boy’s club is alive and well even in this Godforsaken place.” She tossed Josh a look that would have killed a weaker man.

Josh backed out, but not before giving Drew one last warning glare. Slowly he raised the ramp. It shut with a solid thud as Josh slid one and then the other lock in place.

Fingers curled into fists, Zoë turned away from Drew. “Say it and then get out of here.”

This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. He didn’t want her filled with fury. “Look at me, Zoë.” He reached to guide her chin toward him and was greeted with a sharp slap as she knocked his hand away. Another attempt ended with the same result as she skirted around him.

She was breathing hard. Her rigid stance dared him to try again. The towel on her head had worked free. Long, wet hair draped across her shoulders, resting at the bend of her elbows. She looked wild, untamed.

Something snapped. The single thread of control Drew held vanished.

He lunged.

Quick and unhampered by the heavy, unbendable boots he wore, she dodged him. In the confined space there was no place to go, except through the side door and outside.

She wouldn’t escape him that easily. As she ran past him, he caught her wrist. She swung the free one, striking him hard against the cheek with her fist.

“Shit!” That stung.

Then her fingers folded around the doorknob. He blinked as he got a handful of towel.

“You wouldn’t,” she breathed.

“Release the knob, Zoë.”

The squeak of the knob sounded as she twisted it.

He yanked the towel free, revealing every inch of her glorious body.

She spun around and attacked. The impact was so great that it knocked him backward. His hand jutted out, catching her arm. They both fell. He twisted so that he took the brunt of the fall, pulling her atop him as they landed on the floor.

Like a wildcat, she scratched and clawed.

Before she could do either of them damage, he rolled her naked body beneath him. It wasn’t easy, but finally he got her wrists together and pinned above her head. Her breathing was erratic. Succulent breasts rose and fell rapidly.

“Get off me.” Her struggles quieted by the weight of his body. “Drew—”

He silenced her with a kiss and was rewarded with a fierce bite to his lower lip. He jerked back, tasting blood—his own. “You play dirty, baby.” He used his knee to wedge between her naked thighs.

“I don’t play at all. Now get off me.”

He had never seen her angry before, never seen the fire that burned in her soul like it did at this moment. It made him hot. With a dip of his head he took her rosy nipple into his hot, wet mouth.

Her breath audibly caught. A throaty whimper followed. “Stop.” The one word was filled with desperation. “Drew. Stop.”

But he didn’t—couldn’t.

The flesh in his mouth was soft, her nipple hard against his tongue. Small bumps rose around the swollen nub as he licked around and around it. Slowly, he worked his knee against the apex of her thighs, rubbing.

She tasted so good. Felt even better as his hand slipped between them. Just like he remembered, she was warm and wet. When his fingers parted the softness of her sex, she cried out. The desperate sound wrenching from somewhere deep in her throat made him break the suction he had on her breast.

Tear after tear flowed like rivers from her closed eyes.


Silence, except for her soft sniffles.

“Baby, look at me.”

Her eyes remained closed. If anything, her tears increased Copyright 2016 - 2024