From Sanctum with Love (Masters and Mercenaries #10) - Lexi Blake Page 0,82


It sounded horrible to Kai. Of course, he’d always accepted that he was the less hot but intellectually superior brother. Kori didn’t seem to mind that he wasn’t a gym rat who pounded pavement or lifted weights four hours a day.

Jared watched as the trio started toward the stairs. “That has to be Axel from The Doms with the Golden Whips. It was one of my favorites.”

“You’ve seriously read all of Serena’s books?” Somehow he hadn’t seen his brother as a big reader.

“They’re cool. Very sexy. Again, you wouldn’t like them because they’re not intellectual,” Jared shot back. “I started them as research but I ended up thinking they were awesome. I like Serena a lot.”

Tad strode out from the far hallway, a phone to his ear. “I know. I know, but I need Franco here next week. I don’t care if he’s taken a vow of silence. I don’t need him to talk. I need him to work his magic and take some pictures and video. And get a good stylist. These people are very…military. I don’t mean rah, rah military. I’m talking they could use some serious flair.”

Jared groaned and stepped up, grabbing Tad’s phone. “Cancel everything.” He jabbed at the phone’s screen, hanging up the call before handing it back to Tad. “I told you, we’re not asking the company to let documentary crews in.”

“Not unless they get to kill the documentary crew afterward,” Kai agreed. It was the only way Big Tag allowed that to happen.

Tad’s eyes widened. “What?”

“They’re very private,” Jared explained. “Where’s Squirrel? Did he stay at the hotel?”

Tad shook his head, edging away from Kai. “No. He’s been following that Tag person around trying to take notes for you.”

Jared nodded and looked back at Kai as if that made some kind of point. “That’s nice of him.”

“No. No, it’s not. Shit.” A million and one scenarios ran through Kai’s head—all of them bad. “Has anyone seen him lately?”

Jared would likely get upset if his best friend ended up stuffed in a box somewhere. That was the least lethal scenario he could think of.

“No. Not for an hour or so.” Tad was dialing his phone again. “Can we at least bring a reporter in? ‘Actor plays decorated military hero’ would be a great visual. It’ll be good for the company too. Please let me bring in a stylist for the chick with the freckles. I can deal with the other women, but she’s too severe.”

“That’s because Erin will murder you and not think twice about it. I have to go find Ian.” Before he eviscerated Jared’s friend.

Jared jogged to keep up with him as he strode down the hall toward Ian’s office. “You think Squirrel could annoy him to the point of violence?”

“I think violence is Ian’s default state.” And he was in a piss-poor mood as it was. He passed Eve’s office and then Alex’s. He hoped he didn’t piss off Ian too much, but he knocked once and then went in just in time to see Ian lifting Squirrel up by the neck and shoving him against the wall.

“I swear to god if you don’t stop following me I will split you open, pull out your insides, and let my baby girls play in them. My wife will get all pissy because she thinks the girls shouldn’t play in entrails, but I say they’re free. Do you have any idea how fucking much toys cost?” If Tag was at all bothered by Squirrel’s weight, he didn’t show it. The man simply held him up, the poor dude’s sneakers kicking slightly. “A lot. A metric shit ton of cash, so I’m always looking for something cheap to keep them entertained.”

He needed to bring the level of potential death down to a manageable portion. “Hey, Ian, I want you to think about how much the girls would miss their dad if he got shoved in a prison.”

“He followed me around all morning,” Ian bit out.

“Sorry.” Squirrel managed to whisper the words.

“Ian, is it really worth it to murder him? Jail is a real possibility.” Ian would respond to logic.

“He followed me into my fucking bathroom.”

Kai turned to his brother. “I’m sorry. You’re going to have to find a new best friend.”

Big Tag had a private bathroom. He took that shit seriously.

“Do you understand what it means to be the only man in the fucking house? My kids don’t care about privacy. My wife thinks intimacy means I shouldn’t be able to spend an hour Copyright 2016 - 2024