From Sanctum with Love (Masters and Mercenaries #10) - Lexi Blake Page 0,65

She’d touched something hard and thick and impossibly long.


“Yeah, that’s my penis. He’s not going to attack. He’s just…reacting. He needs some time to calm down. Go to sleep. He’ll still be there in the morning. You do have a cold shower, right?”


“Excellent.” He shifted so his cock wasn’t right up against her anymore.

His really big, really erect cock.

It was the longest time before she got to sleep.


Kai neatly flipped the omelet. One of the helpful things about being the son of a mom who had worked two, sometimes three jobs at times was the fact that he’d learned to cook at a very young age. He stared down at the ham and cheese and spinach omelet and a memory came rushing in. He’d been eight and trying to cook eggs for Jared and they’d burned because…he was flipping eight years old. Jared had sat at the table and eaten every bite, insisting they were awesome even though Kai knew they sucked. He’d told Jared he had to eat them anyway because it was all the food they had. Jared could have been a brat, but he’d smiled through the whole thing.

“You should stay over more often.” Sarah grinned at him from her chair at the bar. There was a plate in front of her waiting for that omelet he was working on. “Kori can’t cook for shit. Well, she cooks but it’s all vegetables and nasty stuff.”

He was grateful for the distraction. He flipped the omelet one last time before easing it on to her plate. “Kori’s a vegetarian. I always thought that was a health thing until I saw the pictures of her dogs last night.”

Being inside Kori’s bedroom had answered a whole lot of questions for him. Of course it had brought up a whole bunch more. She didn’t talk about her past. He’d thought she was embarrassed by her sister and an underprivileged childhood—he could understand that. Now he wondered if it was something more. He knew he would have to play dirty to get under her armor.

He’d started last night. He’d walked in thinking he would basically tell her that now they were a couple and they would work things out. One look at the fear in her eyes had made him completely change his plan. He needed a mix of hard and soft play with her. Sure she enjoyed a rough hand on her backside, but she craved someone who cared enough to be gentle with her, too. Not that she would say that. She likely didn’t recognize the need in herself, but then she wasn’t the most self-aware woman he’d ever met. It was all right because he was honest enough for both of them.

“Ooo, breakfast.” Mia hopped onto the seat beside Sarah and clapped her hands together. “Is this made to order or should I accept anything you put in front of me? Because I can do either. I am not picky when it comes to men feeding me.”

He could use this time to get to know the mysterious Mia better. “I’m here to serve Kori’s friends whatever they would like. Unless you want a meal that requires anything more than eggs, cheese, ham, and a surprisingly healthy amount of veggies.”

“I will take what Sarah’s having. Yum.” Mia smiled brightly, belying any hangover she might have. “You’re up bright and early this morning. I thought the two of you might sleep in.”

Sarah shook her head. “I’m telling you they didn’t do the nasty. I heard absolutely nothing.” She blushed. “Not that I was trying to, but the walls are thin.”

“We were tired last night. It had been a long day.” He wasn’t about to tell them that he’d actually planned on trying to seduce her, but he’d decided she needed comfort and security more than another orgasm. He started cooking the ham and spinach. It was a trick Sean had taught him. Cook the ingredients first and then add the eggs around them. Back when he was a kid, he’d simply thrown a bunch of stuff into a pan and prayed it didn’t catch fire.

You make the best grilled cheese, Kai. Jared would stand beside him, his eyes wide because the kid had always, always been hungry. He’d been a bottomless pit.

Take care of your brother, Kai. He needs you more than you know. You’ve been his father his whole life.

He forced his mother’s dying words out of his head. She hadn’t known exactly how well her youngest son could take Copyright 2016 - 2024