From Sanctum with Love (Masters and Mercenaries #10) - Lexi Blake Page 0,28

a day so he can look pretty on a salmon ladder. I have no idea how he got cast as Pierce Craig. I finally sat down and read that book.”

Everyone with the exception of Special Agent Rush seemed to go still.

Alex seemed to stifle a laugh. “And what did you think of Serena’s hero?”

“You know what? I have no idea why the guys are so hard on her. Serena is a damn fine writer. This character has the douchiest name and sometimes he’s a big old pussy, but he’s got a good head on his shoulders. Everyone gets all over him, but the dude is doing what’s best for his team. I read the whole series and I don’t get why it took so long for readers to warm up to this guy. He’s obviously the hero. Some of the books were better than others, but every time this guy steps on the page, the book lights up. I think she’s got something with this character.”

“Did he seem familiar at all?” Kai couldn’t help but poke a little. “I’m only asking because you have so much in common. Pierce Craig runs a security agency. You run one.”

Big Tag waved it off. “That’s Serena writing what she knows. I get that. And there are a few similarities, although Pierce Craig was in Delta Force and I was a Green Beret. My only issue is he’s practically a saint, but all the people around him are assholes. He’s a very misunderstood guy.”

“And not very self-aware,” Charlotte concluded with a gleeful smile. “I think we should leave it at that. Like I said, I’ll get someone looking into the entourage.”

Rush shook his head. “Don’t worry about that. We’ve got our best people on it.”

“Your best people don’t include my sister, and you have to follow all those inconvenient rules. We don’t have to do that.” Charlotte pushed her chair back. “I’ll share whatever we find. I’m going to go and get ready since it looks like I’ll be having a long talk with the subs tonight. While I have you here, Kai, did you spend any time with our mystery sub?”

Ah, this was one McKay-Taggart subplot he did know about. Roughly three weeks before, a woman named Mia Danvers had applied for a slot in the training class. She’d come highly recommended from an Austin club and had the money to pay for a full membership. The timing had been perfect as Big Tag was trying to find unattached subs and Doms. She also seemed to have the money and connections to forge her identification. Mia might not know it, but she’d been made the minute someone put her file in Adam Miles’s capable hands. Someone had done a decent job of putting together her cover, but Adam, like Charlotte’s sister, Chelsea, was phenomenal when it came to hacking personal data. He’d had a full write-up on the lovely blonde within two hours of getting her file.

“She’s a reporter. Why is she still here? Is there a reason we haven’t given her the boot?” Case asked. “Hell, I’d like to know why she was allowed into the class in the first place.”

“Because I’m curious,” Big Tag said. “She’s a freelance reporter. What’s she reporting on? According to Adam, she hasn’t sent anything to an editor except a few opinion pieces that are unrelated to anything having to do with Sanctum. She doesn’t typically write undercover pieces. For the last couple of years, she’s mostly written about Austin business. Now she shows up in Dallas? She’s asked a bunch of questions about McKay-Taggart.”

“Not to mention the fact that Danvers isn’t her birth name,” Kai threw in. He’d figured this out a while back. He’d gone to Ian about Mia Danvers. It was precisely how her file had ended up with Adam. Nothing in her evaluations made him think she was violent, but he’d suspected she was hiding something. “Lawless. It’s her brother who interests me. Apparently they’ve tried to hide their family ties. At least on paper. There are four siblings, but only one still uses the family name.”

Rush was suddenly sitting up. “Lawless? Are you talking about Andrew Lawless? As in 4L Software?”

Ian nodded. “Yes, she’s the sister of Drew Lawless. Her other brothers are legally known as Riley and Brandon Lang. This family has done a lot to hide their connection and stay private. Adam said it took him a very long time to unravel all the paperwork and link them together. Copyright 2016 - 2024