SALVE ROMA! A Felidae Novel - By Akif Pirincci Page 0,75

new nor unique. I guess your cruise-missiles theoretically also are able to perform such missions, at least in open country. The problem starts when it comes to maneuverability of the self-regulated missile in a localized manner – and by that I mean a radius of less than 7 feet! A self-regulated rocket is able to turn around corners and blocks and then destroy the prescribed building but it is not capable of dashing through a door independently, flying upstairs and from room to room and eventually hitting the target on the toilet without causing any damage. Why? Because they don’t have a real balance system and because of that no real sense of balance! It is and will remain an inflexible missile, a bullet with a little bit of accountability, nothing more. Miracolo is the opposite!«

In Antonio’s face I could see a certain stir now, which I took for a proof of conscience. He starred at me with a regretful mien as if he begged forgiveness and suffered from the spirits that he had cited. I clearly felt the urge in him to say some final explaining words to me before ... before what would happen? Very slowly, just as if a ball was starting to roll down a hill and was steadily increasing speed, I realized kind of trick I had been supposed to do tonight. Umberto hadn’t been interested in my vestibular organ. The project already was that well advanced that they wanted to start rehearsal. But he needed a guinea pig for the last and final proof. I couldn’t help it but think that I was supposed to play the target!

»Every peace-loving human’s dream will come true tonight«, Umberto said and hobbled around the general with increasing excitement. This guy didn’t seem as impressed as expected and killed time with only a couple of gestures. Now and then he scratched his head and folded his arms in front of himself. Apparently he also waited for the final proof.

»Miracolo will save mankind from their most evil scourge – from war and terrorism. Both issue from the sick brains of single persons. And we know their faces. And if we don’t know their faces, we know their distinctive voices or their individual smells – Miracolo can be programmed for all of these features. It is the thinking bullet from the barrel of a killer, just that it doesn’t take any killer anymore. Pushed off by a launcher system, this missile is capable of dashing through urban canyons at racing speed, entering buildings independently without destroying them and even orienting itself inside extremely mazed architecture. The targets can’t get away from it, regardless of where they are fleeing. And if it finds them and blows them up, one can sit next to them and enjoy one’s dinner. The innocent will be spared. Civilian casualties within a war or terroristic conflict both are a thing of the past. There won’t even be material damages. Look at this ...«

He put out his hand and pointed at me. I already felt like I was shot and opened my eyes to the size of golf balls. Every single hair of my fur stood on end, as if I was sitting inside a tumbler.

»... This animal was just biometrically recorded by secret cameras at the Forum Romanum yesterday morning. We have his optical imprint, and this imprint has already been saved on the computer of the missile. Miracolo’s job is to follow the animal and eliminate it without causing the death of a non-participants or any material damage. In order to clear up any doubt that the device doesn’t just orient itself by the optical pattern of a certain sort of animal, I brought my own pet. As you can see it’s of the same species, and as you will also see, Miracolo will spare it ...«

I took to my heels and ran. At the right side of the wall was a plain passage in the dark. I didn’t know where it let. Headless and only inches away from totally freaking out, I decided on this escape route and senselessly ran towards it.

»The little one tries to get away!« I heard Umberto shout behind me. »Even better, this way we can have a long close look at Miracolo’s skills.«

I quickly looked back and saw him bend over the laptop and press a key. With an explosion-like bang a ray of fire shot out of the rocket nozzle, changing its color from blood orange over mint Copyright 2016 - 2024