The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,44

knew from experience that he had never spent this long of a time snowboarding in one day. It was starting to get dark so I expected them to walk in any minute. I felt anxious for him to get back.

Rylee was chatting with Gran in the kitchen about the Snickerdoodle Cookies she had baked while we were gone. She was carrying a tray of them towards us when Sophie’s cell phone rang.

“Hi Kara!” Sophie said, and as she listened her expression grew concerned. “No, the guys aren’t here. We came back before them. I’m sure they will be here soon though, it’s getting dark.”

“What? You want to talk to her? Sure, hold on.”

All eyes were on me as Sophie handed me the cell phone. “Kara wants to talk to you.”

Just the expression on Sophie’s face was alarming, and before I said a word into the phone I felt fear blossom deep in my chest.

“Kara, what is it?”

“Don’t panic Rainey. I just wanted to assure you that all is going to be fine.” I clutched the phone and felt light headed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I feel like there may have been a little incident. You know my psychic nosiness. I can’t help it. I just felt it and wanted to prepare you, and of course reassure you as well. He is going to be fine.”

“Max? You are talking about Max? What is wrong with him?” My voice sounded shrill and I was in a pure panic now.

“I think it is his head. He will be okay. I’m Positive Rainey. So, prepare to be strong for him. Also, Rainey? He may say some things that shock you. He won’t be himself for a few hours. Don’t let him see you get distressed. Just let him talk. He won’t remember any of it tomorrow.”

I couldn’t say anything but I felt tears sliding down my cheeks.

“Rainey, give the phone to Sophie. Remember that most importantly, he will be okay. Be strong.”

I think I nodded , and then handed the phone to Sophie while Rylee grabbed my arms and made me sit down. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. A psychic was telling me Max had been injured but would be okay. He would be okay. I tried to hold on to that. Still, if it was true, and Max was hurt, he needed me and I wasn’t there for him. I was here, falling apart.

“Call Colin! Find out what is happening,” Sophie instructed Rylee. She had her phone to her ear and was saying, “Answer Ethan, please… He’s not picking up,” she said with frustration.

She looked at me then and said, “Rainey, if Kara says he will be fine, then you can count on it. She is never wrong. Never.” She sat beside me and reached for my hand, squeezing it.

Rylee’s phone rang just as she pulled it from her bag and we all stared at her as she answered. “Colin, I’m putting you on the speaker, fill us in. How is Max?”

“How did you already hear? Oh, don’t tell me, Kara. Okay, Max had a little accident. He took a pretty good fall and hit his head. He was unconscious and scared the shit out of us for a few minutes but he is awake now and the paramedics are with him. It looks like they are saying it is a bad concussion but I think we get to bring him home.”

Before any of us said a word, Ethan could be heard saying, “They’re releasing him to us. Come on, let’s get him in the car.”

“Thank god.” Rylee said, “See you soon.” Colin said goodbye and Rylee set the phone down. She sat beside me and said, “Rainey, are you alright?” When I didn’t reply, because I simply couldn’t, I felt numb from head to toe, she shook me and said,”Rainey, talk to me. Sophie, I think she’s in shock.”

She put her face so close to mine that she was blurry and her breath smelled like cinnamon from the cookies she had been eating.”Rainey, Max is going to be fine. Don’t let him see you like this, you will scare him. You’re scaring me.”

Her words made sense and I tried to take a deep breath but it came out shallow and shaky. “I’m okay, just give me a minute.” My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking.

Gran sat down and put her arms around me.

”You had a scare, you have every right to be shaken up. Now sweetheart, I think we should go get Max Copyright 2016 - 2024