The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,35

Threatened. It made no sense. It was ridiculous. I shook it off and tried to enjoy the rest of the party, grateful that I had not told Max what Kara had said about the black cat.

When we left the party at midnight, it was just getting going. A huge group of people were out on the lawn, unable to get through the door. We had a two am curfew, but after Colin sang Max leaned down and shouted in my ear that he was ready to go if I was. I nodded and he took my hand and cleared a path through the partiers.

Neither of us was tired so we headed to In and Out and over burgers and chocolate shakes we laughed over the nights highlights. There was no mention of the black cat girl and I was glad. Maybe I had exaggerated the whole thing in my mind. Kara’s message must have made it a bigger deal than it really was. By the time Max dropped me off I had forgotten all about it. Promising to text in the morning, I hopped out of the truck feeling happy. Max waited for me to unlock the door and I waved to him as I went inside.

Turning to tiptoe up the stairs I gasped when I saw someone standing in the shadows.

“It’s just me sweetheart. How was the party?”

“Oh Mom! You scared me!” I saw she had her reading glasses on and was carrying a book. “You’re up late!”

“Couldn’t sleep. It’s been awhile since you’ve been out late and I thought I would wait up. Was it fun?”

“Yeah, it was,” I smiled. “Everyone loved our costumes and Colin sang some of his songs. There were a million kids there.”

“Lots of drinking?”

“Mom, they were all older than Max and I. We weren’t drinking if that is what you are asking.”

“I wasn’t accusing you Rainey. I just worry. Parties get out of hand sometimes.”

I cut her some slack, she was just doing what moms do best, worrying. “Well this one didn’t. Max and I left at midnight but we stopped at In-N- Out. I would have texted you if I knew you were waiting up.”

“I was fine. I’m just glad to see you having fun. You and Max deserve some good times.”

“We definitely had a good time tonight.” I hugged my mom and hurried to my room, her words having a double meaning tonight. Yes, Max deserved some good times, and I had gotten in the way of that tonight. I was selfish, and a little ashamed of myself for always monopolizing his time. But ashamed enough to let him go? If I were brutally honest, the answer would have to be no. I wasn’t proud of it, but I knew I was far more selfish than selfless when it came to him.


I awoke Sunday morning to the sound of my cell phone vibrating on my night stand. Feeling groggy, I grabbed it and saw Rainey’s number.

“Hey,” I said, my voice hoarse, “you’re up early.”

“It’s 11:00 sleepyhead, and I’m halfway to Pasadena.”

“Pasadena?” I asked, confused.

“Yep,” she said, her voice sounding happy,“ to visit my grandparents. Mom and dad were all set to go without me, but I haven’t seen them since Father’s day, so I decided to join them.”

“Oh, that’s cool. Have a good time,” I said, trying to make my voice sound happy for her.

“Thanks, I will. What are you going to do?”

“Don’t know. I’ll think of something. Text me later?”

“You bet.”

“Okay then, bye Rainey.”

“Bye Max.”

I sat up feeling strangely bereft. This would be the first day I had spent without her in three months. Sure, I was glad she felt up to visiting her grandparents, but a part of me wondered if she had only gone to put a space between us. Kind of a coincidence I thought.

I wasn’t oblivious. I had noticed her expression when she saw me talking to that friend of Rylee’s. Lalie, that was her name. Cute girl, very friendly. I definitely would have been into her a few months ago. But last night I felt nothing and was careful not to encourage her. I was simply polite and very relieved when Rainey came walking up. Until, I saw her face. Rainey’s reaction shocked me. I’d seen that look before when Garrett was trying to extricate himself from some girl who didn’t seem to care that he was taken. I’d never been sure if it was possessiveness, jealousy or anger. I was having a hard time Copyright 2016 - 2024