The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,24

you could be here!”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t have missed it! Colin, this is Rainey.” Colin put his hand out to shake mine and I saw his arm was completely covered in colorful tattoos.

“Nice to meet you Rainey. This is my girlfriend, Rylee.” He introduced the pretty blonde and she shook our hands, speaking in a fast friendly voice.

“Hi! It’s nice to meet you. Colin always talks about how talented you are Max. I’d love to hear you play sometime.”

“Sure, anytime,” Max smiled.

“And this is your girlfriend?” Rylee asked.

“No, we’re friends,” I answered quickly, hoping the whole Garrett subject wouldn’t come up.

“Oh, gotcha. Are you in college?

“No, we’re both seniors in High School.”

“Wow, you look older. Colin just graduated from college in May, and I’m a junior.” I thought to myself that she looked younger than I did but I didn’t say it. I nodded my head and watched as her attention went to the hallway and she greeted a couple who entered. “Hi Sophie! Hi Ethan! This is Max and Rainey.” It felt strange to hear myself introduced with Max. Max and Rainey, instead of Garrett and Rainey. It had always been Garrett and Rainey. Maybe Garrett and Rainey and Max, but never just the two of us.

The couple said hello, smiling. The girl was very pretty with long dark hair and the guy was blonde and startlingly good looking. The two of them had their arms around each other, and I felt that familiar ache I was so accustomed to. When the guys excused themselves to talk music I was left with Rylee and Sophie. Max had looked at me as if to ask if it was okay, and I quickly waved him away. They seemed perfectly friendly, and I warmed up to them as we stood there talking.

“Rainey, how do you know Colin?” Sophie asked.

“Her friend Max writes songs with him,” said Rylee, before I could open my mouth to answer. “They’re both seniors in high school,” she added.

Sophie nodded, and apologized for her friend. “ I’m sorry Rainey, she will know your life story before the end of the night.”

I smiled, and Rylee jumped in with more and more questions. After I had answered several I asked one of my own.

“How long have you guys been dating Colin and Ethan?”

“We all started dating two years ago,” Rylee said.

“But it feels so much longer,” Sophie smiled. “How long have you been friends with Max?”

I was taken aback by her question. How did I reply to that one? I decided to be honest, since Rylee would no doubt get the whole sad story one way or another with her persistent but good hearted questions.

“I have known Max since eighth grade. His brother and I dated until this summer when he was killed in a car accident.” I said it matter of factly, and I was proud that I didn’t start to cry.

There was silence for a moment while both of the girls processed this information, their eyes widening in horror. Rylee was the first to recover.

“Oh Rainey, I am so sorry! I didn’t know. I knew Max’s brother died and I promised not to mention it tonight. I had no idea that you were his girlfriend.”

Sophie reached for my hand and then pulled me into a hug. “Rainey, I am so sorry. It must be so hard for you.” When she pulled away her eyes were full of unshed tears and Rylee wiped her own eyes. I blinked mine several times, praying that my eyes would stay dry.

“It is hard, it’s a nightmare, but Max and I are trying to live without him. It’s what Garrett would want us to do. Max is the only thing that keeps me from lying down and never getting back up.”

Both Rylee and Sophie were so nice, and they quickly changed the subject to something less painful. I really liked them both and was glad that Max had brought me. A few minutes later someone shouted out for us to take our seats and Max reappeared by my side and led me out to the tables in front of the stage with reserved signs on them. We all sat down and I looked behind me at the large crowd that had gathered for the concert. The lights dimmed and without any fanfare Colin came on stage with his guitar and sat down on a stool in front of a microphone.

The audience clapped politely as he introduced himself and began to sing his first song. Copyright 2016 - 2024