Sacred Vow (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #5) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,5

to me, because I planned on helping Mav run the Ink Shoppe just like Mila did with Lyric.

Although, Mila and I had been talking lately about starting up our own business, too. The building right beside Lyric’s place was for rent with the option to buy, and Mila had put the idea in my head of the two of us turning it into our own store, exclusively for women. We would sell everything from maternity clothes to intimate items. It was something my friend had been thinking about since she was pregnant.

Creswell Springs was a small town. Everyone had to drive over an hour away just to do some real shopping, which was a pain in the ass. Especially when a woman was pregnant and with few options to stop for a bathroom break on the hour-long drive to the nearest mall. And when that pregnant woman had been pregnant with twins bouncing on her bladder every five seconds, making her have to pee, it made the drive excruciatingly longer.

There were a few small boutiques in town, but none of them that catered to a woman’s every need.

But Mila didn’t want to explore the venture on her own. Between the two of us, we already had good experience running a business. Once I turned eighteen, I would have my trust fund that I could do anything I wanted with. Investing some of it in a place that was partially my own seemed like a hell of an idea to me.

And then I could focus on it instead of hearing some bitch in heat panting over my man who wouldn’t give her the time of day.

I quickly rescheduled Uncle Spider’s appointment for early the following week and then took care of the short list of things needing my attention before the shop officially opened for the day. Unless Mav or his dad had an early morning appointment, the Ink Shoppe didn’t open until five Tuesday through Friday. On Saturdays, we opened at noon and closed at eleven.

There were only a few more weeks left of school, but once it was out, things would slow down a little around the shop. The two men would still have appointments most days, but they wouldn’t be booked back-to-back like they were when the local college was in session.

Most days, I was the first one in the shop, unless one of the Masterson men had an earlier appointment. Which meant I had control over the music that was played. Luckily for them, I had good taste in music. But when I was mad at Maverick, I tended to torture him with the easy listening channel.

Grinning to myself, I switched the music over before starting on my homework. Ten minutes later, Maverick walked through the door. I didn’t need to look up to know he’d arrived. Some sixth sense always told me when he was in the same room. When his eyes landed on me, my body reacted instantly, and I immediately started craving him.

“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted, but I still didn’t look up from my work. “Fuck…” he muttered when he heard what was playing through the speaker system. “What did I do?”

I kept my face lowered, pretending to read so he wouldn’t see the amusement in my eyes. “What do you mean?”

“You’re pissed,” he grumbled, his shadow falling over the counter I was sitting at.

“Am I?” I turned the page, finding an answer to the study guide I didn’t have time to finish in class earlier. “Did you do something you shouldn’t?”

He was quiet for a long moment, and I knew he was trying to remember if he’d done something that could have caused me to be mad at him. “Help me out here, River. I’m coming up with nothing. I haven’t done shit since I saw you last night.”

“Ah babe, it’s cute that you think I don’t know exactly what you do every moment you’re not with me.” I finally lifted my head and winked at him. His eyes brightened at the sight of my smile, and his shoulders relaxed. “I’m just fucking with you, Mav.” Picking up the remote, I turned the music back to the usual rock station I kept it on.

He blew out a loud sigh. “Thank fuck,” he muttered. “So, we’re good?”

“Better than good.” I wanted to lean across the counter to kiss him, but Uncle Spider was in his office not thirty feet away, with the door open.

As if he were craving a kiss just as much as Copyright 2016 - 2024