Ruthless (Wolf Ranch #6) - Renee Rose Page 0,35

hopped on one leg, my panties still around my ankles. “Eek!”

“Oh.” The deep, interested note seemed to ripple over me like an aphrodisiac. “Sorry, Red. I, uh, thought you sounded distressed.” His gaze bounced then landed on my breasts. My nipples tightened and tingled in the heat of his stare.

“Only because you caught me getting out of the shower. And obviously naked.” Screw it. He was here. I was naked. He’d seen every inch of me although it had only been with the soft light of his bedroom, not broad daylight. I pulled off the tangled panties and threw them at him. “You’re not supposed to just let yourself in and run up my stairs.”

He caught the panties in one hand with a smirk. “We need to talk about you locking your door. What if it wasn’t me who pulled up?”

“Most people knock then wait for someone to come to the door.”

“Sorry.” He had enough grace to look sheepish although barely. “My wolf is protective as—” He shook his head. “Nevermind. Forget my wolf.” He took off his cowboy hat and held it in his hands. “Can we forget my wolf? I want to do it the human way. Whatever that is, Red. You show me.”

I blinked at him, surprised at this turn. Damn, he was sweet. He sure made it a difficult offer to refuse. I realized he hadn’t done anything wrong. Fine, he was a little bossy, but that was a good thing, right? If he was willing to try, then I should too. Again, right?

“I really don’t know the human way, either,” I confessed.

“Sure, you do. If I wasn’t a shifter, what would you want me to do right now?”

Oh jeez. I was naked, and we were a few feet from my bed. It was wrong. A really bad idea.

Really, really bad.

But dang it if I didn’t want him. Just one more time couldn’t hurt, could it?

A slow smile spread across my face.

“What’s that saying?” I strutted toward him. His gaze switched from unsure to lusty in the blink of an eye.


“Save a horse and ride a cowboy?” I asked.

His grin stretched ear to ear. “Yeah, I think that’s the one.” He glanced toward the bathroom. “Give me sixty seconds to clean off for you—I’ve been working all day.”

I followed him into the bathroom. It wasn’t like me—I’d never been bold and cocky with a guy before, but Rand’s unwavering interest made it come naturally. “Only if I get to watch.”

In a whoosh, the energy shifted. I’d given him permission, and he was taking charge, the way he always did. He picked me up by the waist and lifted me into the shower with him. “I’m doing the watching, darlin’. If you’re in here with me naked, you’re going to be screaming my name.”

I let out a shaky laugh as he stripped and turned on the water.

And he was right.

Five minutes later, I was out of my mind with pleasure, my back flattened against the tile, and his mouth on my core.

I screamed his name. Once. Twice.

Five times as I came and came and came.



I drove out to my brother’s place when Natalie left for work at Cody’s. I’d wanted to follow her into town, of course, but she’d gotten in my face about acting so possessive and sitting guard at the bar. Again.

“You want me to forget about your wolf?” She’d poked a slender finger against my chest. “Stop acting crazy.”

She called it crazy, I called it being her mate. She might be going to do her job, but it was mine to keep her safe.

“Fine,” I’d grumbled, completely not fine. “But I’m coming down at closing time to make sure you get safely home.”

She’d rolled her eyes but didn’t argue.

Now, as I drove up to Clint’s and Becky’s place, my wolf gnawed at me to get to that bar and make sure she knew I was still staking my claim. My mark wasn’t on her neck. My scent wasn’t on her. What made my wolf even more pissed was that even if I had claimed her, none of the human guys would pick up on the fact that she was mine. To them, she was fair game. Always would be unless I put a ring on her finger. Then, I might be able to relax although I knew a few assholes who didn’t care if a woman was married or not.

Fuck. Fuck! I was losing my shit. I may have compromised with her and backed Copyright 2016 - 2024