Ruthless (Wolf Ranch #6) - Renee Rose Page 0,29

I rolled over, our faces about a foot apart.

“Hey there,” he said again, brushing my hair back from my face. “You want to come on my dick or my mouth this morning?”

I blinked. I was instantly hot at the prospect of either of those options. But he was moving forward too fast. “Back up a sec. What do you mean from now on?” I asked.

His dark brow went up, and I watched as his eyes roved over my face and down to my chest. When I realized my breasts were exposed, I tugged up the sheet.

“From now on as in every day. Every night.”

“Yes, I got that. But this isn’t an everyday kind of thing.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“No, it’s not.” I pushed up to sitting, trying to pull the sheet with me. “Rand, this… thing, I know it’s just an itch.”

He looked me over. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous in my bed. And this?” he swirled his finger in a circle. “It’s definitely an itch. An itch I can’t stop scratching.” Reaching beneath the covers, I could tell he was gripping his dick, pumping it.

I climbed from the bed, found my bra and put it on as I talked. “Get a flea collar then. This is not happening.”

He pushed up onto his hand. “It’s already happened, Red. You don’t want to stay here, that’s fine. We can do the work around you.”

Frustrated, I pushed the strap onto my shoulder. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to maybe make me some coffee then kiss me at my car, then I’d drive away. Maybe, maybe, we’d fuck again if we got that itch but nothing more. It annoyed me that he was pretending we could be something more when I already knew for a fact it wasn’t possible.

That was why I was frustrated. Angry at how hot he looked in his bed. I could just shut my mouth, climb back in bed and answer his multiple choice question about getting me off.

We’d only dig in a little deeper. And while I didn’t know jack about love, this was the kind of guy I might fantasize about having for keeps.

Which wasn’t possible.

No, I had to walk away now.

“This was fun, but this isn’t an everyday thing, Rand. It can’t be.”

“Why not? Didn’t you have fun?”

He wasn’t being logical. I went around to the foot of the bed, found my jean skirt. I stepped into it and shimmied it up my legs. “It’s not about fun. I mean, it was definitely fun. But I know you don’t want something long term.”

His brows dipped. “I want forever, Red.”

That made me freeze. My breath caught. My heart skipped a beat. But he was lying to me. Strange—Rand didn’t strike me as a liar. He was smooth but didn’t give off the player vibe. It offended me he would try to lead me on. “No.”

He pushed all the way up to sitting, his gorgeous torso on display. How did a guy get abs like those? It wasn’t from any gym around here.

“No? What the fuck, Red? What do you mean no?”

Now he was pushing me into a direction I’d never wanted to say. I’d sworn Uncle Adam to secrecy. I knew Rand kept his being a shifter a secret, and he was pushing me to say it aloud, to voice the one thing he never wanted uttered.

I found my blouse, slipped my arms through it with more effort than required. “I mean, you’re being bossy again. Telling me I’m having an orgasm this morning whether I want it or not.”

His mouth opened, and he held up a hand. “Cool your jets, darlin’. I’m not making you do anything. I’m a generous guy. When it comes to you, I want to make you happy. I want to hear you call my name in that breathy way again. I don’t care if it’s on my mouth or my dick.”

“Why?” I asked, running my hand over my face.

“Why what? Why do I want you to come? Because I’m a generous lover.”

I sighed. “Fine, I’ll give you that. But why me? Why do you want it every day?”

“Why don’t you?” he countered.

I tossed my arms up. “Because we just met. I don’t know you.”

“You know quite a bit about me, darlin’, just like I know a hell of a lot about you.”

His gaze dropped to my chest, the fact that I hadn’t buttoned my blouse.

I tried to calm down enough to get my fingers to work the buttons.

“I told you before, Red, Copyright 2016 - 2024