Ruthless Kings - Laura Lee Page 0,49

down and presses his mouth against my ear. “I know you want me, Jazz. I’d bet my fucking Porsche that your panties are soaked right now. That your clit is throbbing, begging for attention. I'd barely have to touch you before you were coming all over my tongue." I gasp when his fingers curl under the hem of my dress, and he licks the shell of my ear. "Davenport may think he has a claim on you, but not once have you confirmed that. Isn’t that right? You don’t belong to anyone?”

“I belong to myself.”

“Exactly. So, why can’t we—”

I dig my nails into his forearms when I get a prickling sensation at the back of my neck. On instinct, my eyes scan the room, looking for the reason why. When I find him, he’s marching toward us like a man possessed. The crowd parts, desperately trying to avoid Kingston’s wrath. Bentley tenses when I turn around and shake out of his hold.

“Shit,” I mutter.

When Kingston finally reaches us, his eyes slowly travel the length of my body, taking in my minuscule dress and heeled sandals. His eyes are so heated, flames lick my skin everywhere his gaze touches. After getting so worked up from dancing, and the way Kingston's looking at me right now, I know Bentley's right. If anyone touched between my thighs right now, I'd detonate in seconds.

Kingston scans me once more before drilling his gaze into the man behind me. “What the fuck’s going on, Bent?”

I hold up a hand, trying to diffuse the situation. “Now, hold on, you two. Why don’t we—”

“Reed! What are you doing? Stop it!”

All three of us immediately whip our heads around when we hear Ainsley’s anguished cry.

Kingston gets a lock on her first and leads the charge into action. Ainsley keeps screaming at Reed to stop, and as we get closer, I see why. He’s currently beating on that Lawson guy. The music comes to a grinding halt, allowing every grunt and thud to echo throughout the cavernous room.

Kingston and Bentley both assess the situation before forming a protective barrier around Ainsley and me. A minute ago, they looked like they were ready to kill each other. Now, they're working in perfect harmony, and I don't think they even realize it.

“What the hell is going on?” Kingston asks his sister.

"I don't know!" Ainsley shouts, tears running down her face. "I was talking to Lawson, and all of a sudden, Reed is punching him in the face."

Reed and Lawson are fairly matched in both size and skill, but Reed has this feral look in his eyes that gives him an edge. I wince when Reed takes an uppercut to the jaw, but it barely affects him. When Reed’s hand connects with Lawson’s face, Lawson wails, cupping his cheekbone.

I throw my hands out toward the melee. “Why aren’t you guys stopping this?”

“Reed wouldn’t be doing this unless he had a damn good reason,” Bentley explains.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, man?” Lawson yells, staggering to the side and spitting blood on the floor. “I didn’t do shit to you!”

“You put something in her drink!” Reed screams, jabbing a finger in Ainsley’s direction. Damn. Calm and collected Reed Prescott has definitely left the building. “I fucking saw you do it when she turned her head away!”

Both mine and Ainsley's jaws drop at that piece of info. Kingston and Bentley seem to realize the same thing I do because they look like they're about to jump into the fight.

Kingston points a finger at me. “Is that what you did to her? “Did you fucking drug her?” His tone is quiet. Deadly.

At this point, what appears to be the entire party has formed a circle around the six of us.

Lawson holds his hands out. “Now, wait just a fucking minute. I was doing you dicks a favor!”

“What?!” Bentley lunges for him, but Kingston pulls him back.

“You have two seconds to explain.” Kingston’s jaw and fists are clenching.

Lawson swings his arm out in Bentley’s direction. “He told me to bring her to you nice and sloppy. She was barely sipping her drinks, and it was taking forever, so I sped up the process. It was a low dose; it wouldn’t have done any real damage. You should be thanking me, assholes. You got to have your way with her, didn’t you?” Lawson turns his head to leer at me. “I’m only sorry I didn’t get a turn first.”

A loud gasp rings through the crowd right before Copyright 2016 - 2024