Ruthless Kings - Laura Lee Page 0,43

positive. I skipped breakfast, so I’m a little out of it. Good thing lunch is next period, huh?” I stand up and sling my book bag over my shoulder. “I’ll be good as new once I get some food in my stomach.”

Her eyes follow my every move as I approach the front of the classroom. I offer her a smile as I walk past her desk, trying to escape without an interrogation. Right before I reach the door, she calls my name.

Damn it.

I turn around. “Yes?”

Mrs. Nguyen’s lips press together. “Jasmine, I heard what happened to you after homecoming. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’d be happy to listen.”

I swallow the lump in my throat, steeling my resolve. “Thanks, but, uh...I’ll be fine.”

“If you change your mind, it’s an open-ended offer. Have a good lunch, Miss Callahan.”

When I step into the hallway, Reed is waiting for me. I tried telling them I don't need a babysitter, but Ainsley or one of the guys has walked me to each of my classes so far today. Safety in numbers, or some shit like that.

“You okay?” he asks.

I sigh. “I would be if people would stop asking me that.”

Reed’s brows crease in confusion. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing. Forget I said anything.” I wave him off. “So, how are things going with Ainsley? I hear you’re spending lots of time together. You ready to nut up and make things official yet?”

His light green eyes narrow. “Nice change of subject.”

“What?” I shrug. “I genuinely want to know.”


“Because of Kingston?”

He tucks his hands in his pockets. “Among other things.”

“Oh, c’mon.” I shake my head. “You know damn well that her happiness is what’s most important to him. If you make Ainsley happy, what’s the big deal?”

Reed scratches the back of his head, looking nervous. Huh. That’s a new one. This boy usually exudes one hundred percent confidence or aloofness. There doesn’t seem to be an in-between with him.

When he doesn’t answer, I keep going. “Whatever your issues’d better figure them out fast, Reed. She likes you. A lot. But Ainsley’s not going to wait around forever.”

His eyes widen in panic. “She said that?”

“Yeah, she did, actually. But the real point is that she shouldn’t have to. It's not fair to string her along. Either you're in or you're out. Whichever path you decide to take, don't dick her around. She's good people. She doesn't deserve to be kept hanging on the line just because you don't want her to be with someone else."

Reed scrubs a hand down his face. “Fuck.”

He’s obviously agitated, so I take pity on him. “You want my advice?”

He gives me a curt nod.

I bump my shoulder into his arm. “Talk to her. Whatever your reservations are, talk to her and see if you can work through them together.”

Reed considers that as we make a pit stop at my locker, so I can ditch my bag before heading to the dining room. Right before we step inside, he tugs on my elbow to pull me aside.

“Thanks, Jazz.”

I grin. “Anytime, big guy. Now, let’s eat. I’m fucking starving.”

He laughs and ushers me through the doorway.

We stand in line to grab some food before meeting the others at the same table we sat at before my unplanned hiatus.

“What took you guys so long?” Kingston asks suspiciously. “I was about to send out a search party.”

"Haha, funny guy.” I take the empty seat next to him while Reed pulls out the chair next to Ainsley. “Reed and I were having a little chat, that’s all.”

“About what?” Ainsley and Kingston ask in unison.

I flick my finger in between them. “That was cute. Was that your freaky twin telepathy kicking in?”

Ainsley laughs while Kingston growls. Like, literally growls.

I poke him in the chest. “You don’t get to be pissy with me. I’m still mad at you.”

Kingston traps my finger, hooks his foot around the leg of my chair, and pulls me closer. Leaning into my ear, he whispers, “I like it when you’re mad at me. That fiery look you get in your eyes makes me rock hard.”

I tell myself not to look down, but my eyes fall to his lap anyway. Yep, Kingston’s definitely sporting a semi that seems to be growing the longer I stare.

I fight a shiver as I scoot my chair back. “Asshole.”

Raucous laughter sounds from across the room, stealing my attention. It's coming from the self-proclaimed royals' table—the same spot where my tablemates used to sit every day. Peyton, Copyright 2016 - 2024