Ruthless Kings - Laura Lee Page 0,41

driveway was a pretty big giveaway, but you also look shaken up.”

I motion toward the road. "Start driving, and I'll tell you."

He shifts the car into gear and pulls back onto the road. On the short drive to school, I recap the whole crazy interaction with Charles and Madeline. Part of me is actually worried about Madeline after seeing how pissed my father was, but the other part doesn’t give a shit. To be clear, I don’t think there’s ever a valid reason for a man to hit a woman, but after that bitch threatened me, I definitely think she deserves a solid tongue-lashing. Maybe have her credit cards taken away. That would probably devastate her.

Kingston pulls into a parking spot and kills the engine. “Fuck.”

"Yeah, pretty much. It was a little scary seeing him so angry, even if it wasn't directed at me for once. Even when I rile him up, he's never seemed as furious as he did back there. His voice was loud. Like, it echoed throughout the house. And what’s up with the ‘face the consequences’ crap? Who talks to their spouse like that?”

His beautiful hazel eyes drill into me. “You need to get out of that house, Jazz.”

“No, Kingston. I’m not having this argument with you again.”

“If he’s raging like that, it means he’s losing control, which I’m sure enrages him even further. Charles Davenport is passionate about projecting a calm and calculated image to the world. From the sounds of it, he’s dropping pretenses more and more since you’ve been around. I think your presence puts him on edge.”

“The fact that I look almost exactly like the woman he repeatedly raped and impregnated probably has a lot to do with that,” I mumble.

“All the more reason for you to get out of there.”

“Again, not happening.”

He scrubs a hand over his face. “Jesus-fucking-Christ, woman.”

I tilt my chin up defiantly and pin him with a razor-edged stare. “Don’t you J-F-C me! Worst-case scenario, if he flips his shit, I can defend myself just fine.”

Kingston gives me a cruel smirk. “Really? Like you did at the lake?”

My mouth gapes. “You did not just go there!” I fling open my door and unbuckle the seat belt. “Fuck this shit. And fuck you.” I climb out of the car and walk away as fast as I can.

“Jazz, wait!” I only make it a few feet before Kingston catches up with me, pulling on my arm.

I whip around. “Let go of me!”

"Just hold on a second, will you?" he shouts. Lowering his voice, he adds, "I'm sorry. I'm worried about you, and I was channeling it the wrong way."

A crowd has gathered around us, several people holding their phones up.

“Mind your own business, assholes!” I scream.

Snickers pass through the crowd, and of course, not a single person makes an effort to move the fuck along. I flip 'em the bird and tell myself to ignore their nosy asses.

“Can we just go somewhere and talk, please?” Kingston asks.

“I don’t have time for that.” I shake out of his hold and start walking toward Lincoln Hall. “Whatever you need to say can be said after I’ve had time to cool off. I need to speak with my math teacher before class begins.”


“Welcome back, baby girl.” Bentley swoops in from out of nowhere. “You and the caveman are already starting drama, I see.”

“Can it, Bentley.”

“Stay out of it, Bent,” Kingston says at the same time.

Bentley holds his hands up in a placating gesture. “Okay, kids, I think you two need a time-out.” He hooks his arm over my shoulders. “Let me walk you to class, beautiful.”

I know it’s childish, but I stick my tongue out at Kingston and say, “Gladly. Get me away from this jerkface.”

Ainsley and Reed join us then, sandwiching Kingston between them.

“Welcome back, Jazz,” Ainsley says.

I give her a curt nod. “Thank you.”

Ainsley loops her arm through her twin’s. “C’mon, bro. Let’s take a walk and quit giving these douchebags more fodder.”

Kingston begrudgingly allows his sister to lead him in the opposite direction. At the same time, Bentley and I head toward my statistics class. Right before Bent and I part ways, I spot Peyton, Whitney, and Imogen standing against the wall, their hate-filled stares honed in on me.

“Trouble in paradise?” Peyton asks mockingly. “Looks like things will be back to normal sooner than I thought.”

Before I get a chance to tell this bitch off, Bentley does it for me.

“Get fucked, Peyton.” He sneers. “And quit holding your breath for Copyright 2016 - 2024