The Run Around - Bernadette Franklin Page 0,24

from time to time, do accounting audits of businesses to help them better use their finances. We work with their accounting department to determine how they can improve their general operations. Honestly, we’re a poorly named business, as we’re not really in the business of investments. We’re in the business of making businesses work better, and we offer a full range of services for businesses wishing outside assistance. After a legal firm was charged for embezzlement of funds following the assault of an employee, many legal firms in our area have opted to have external audits of their accounting teams done. We’ve been hired by one such firm, but their operations are much larger than we anticipated, and I don’t feel our current staff is capable of handling the job without bringing in another auditing accountant. The position will require a lot of hours at first, as they want the job done in a timely fashion.”

“How unusual.” I considered Garret’s explanation and wondered why so many firms would request auditing at the same time after one firm ran into trouble. “May I ask a question, sir?”

“Of course, Miss Kensingvale.”

“While it’s not unheard of for a company to do a test audit and bring in a third party to handle the work, especially if they think they may be running afoul of a new IRS rule, why would so many legal firms request outside auditing at the same time? Legal firms typically hire competent accountants and are very careful about IRS regulations.”

Garret chuckled, and his amusement implied I’d passed some sort of test. Some employers viewed the initial phone call with a potential employee as the first interview, and my behavior could make or break me with him and his firm. Most disliked the practice, but I thought it wise.

People often behaved differently outside of interviews, and an employer could tell a lot about a person from how they acted outside of work and interviews. Skills played a major part of being hired, but other factors mattered, especially when a firm cared about its reputation. Due to many companies caring about their reputation, mine included, I avoided social media like I’d contract the plague if I delved too deep into its turbulent depths. I avoided a lot of things, the news included, although I’d discovered a new love for Florida Man headlines and other zany news articles.

I waited, aware that employers valued a person with patience, especially when money issues could take a frustrating turn with a single report.

“You’re correct. Because the embezzlement involved upper management and someone in accounting, a lot of the local firms want an outside look at their operations. It’s very unusual. And with the FBI sniffing around one firm, there is a cause for concern that their attention will turn to others—especially others who have had any business associations with the firm. Unfortunately, the firm handled corporate law matters. There have been falsified invoices for several businesses the firm worked with.”

“Well, that’s stupid. If the IRS audited either company, the ruse would be discovered.”

“We have come to the conclusion that those behind the embezzlement are not what we would call intelligent individuals. But, there’s a real risk of other legal firms being investigated by the IRS as a result of this case. Personally, I don’t view the risk as all that substantial, but because there are so many businesses with crossover with other firms, it’s a possibility. Most legal firms have had dealings with employees or directly with the company that the embezzling firm used.”

The reason for concern clicked, and I didn’t blame the legal firms for taking a few extra steps to make certain they were in the clear. “The FBI will do an audit on all companies the legal firm worked with, and as such, it’s a possibility they will audit the companies who worked with any company audited; it gives them legal grounds to secure the warrant for the audit, which means they could access rival legal firms. Everyone wants to clean up their operations just in case the FBI decides to check just how far the rabbit hole goes.”

I loved puzzles, and I especially loved mysteries involving money. For most legal firms, I expected the accounting would be so clean it squeaked when I rubbed it. But sometimes, an audit revealed interesting things, things I would get to investigate and make sense of for my bosses, who would handle the situation as they saw fit.

“Precisely. With so many businesses potentially earmarked for Copyright 2016 - 2024