Ruin (Rhodes #1) - Rina Kent Page 0,47

The stable boy greets me. “Do you need me to prepare Jet, Sir?”

“No need.” I pass by him to my nickering horse.

His neck extends above the trails, reaching out for me. I caress it. “Want to go for a ride?”

He nickers in answer, and I open his stall to release him. He comes out wiggling his tail. I attach reins to his neck and mount him bare-backed.

“Let’s fetch a friend, Jet.” I kick him, and he rears into the afternoon sun. “Go!”

Long pine trees and vast grassed ground blur as Jet sprints towards the far end of the estate.

Air blows my hair back and I clutch the reins in a relaxed grip, letting Jet go at full speed. As the freezing wind bites my skin, I fantasise about the terror that will soon reside the mouse’s enchanting eyes. It’s almost as enticing as the spouting of arterial blood.

Once we reach our destination, I hop off Jet’s back and pat him. “Wait here.”

I enter the password to the protected fortress’s door. Once it clicks open, I slip inside and close it behind me.

My hands reach to the survey note glued on the door, updated every two hours. They already ate. Good.

My feet glue to the grass in a wide stance before I lift two fingers to my mouth and release a long whistle.

Before I finish, a shadow of a big black cat dashes through the trees in a blurry speed. It takes seconds before his large paws lies on my chest and knock me onto the ground. My head hits the grass as his licks shower my face.

I wince and use my hands to sit up. My eyes meet Knight’s darker ones. “I told you to work on your welcoming method, Knight.”

He licks my neck and nuzzles his head at my chest.

Not long after, King and Zen appear from behind the bush in a similar speed. They knock me all over again. My hair becomes wet from their licks. Not the best sensation.

After some struggles to keep them off, I stand and dust off my clothes.

The three black jaguars encircle me and I raise my palm up then lower it. “Sit.”

They abide by the command, their tails moving left and right in a happy movement.

“Only King is coming with me this time.” I caress Knight and Zen on the head. “He’s less volatile than the two of you.”

Knight purrs against my leg, obviously wanting to participate. “Maybe when I plan to kill the little deer instead of scaring her.”

“King.” I lift my palm up. “Come.”

He gets up and follows me out in his natural feline grace. Zen and Knight’s shiny eyes never leave us until we exit the fortress.

King walks by my side as we reach Jet. There’s no animosity whatsoever between my two companions. I spent precious time training them to get along.

Jet huffs, and King stops as I mount my horse. I look down at my jaguar and hold my palm sideways then moves it forward. “Run along.”

I kick Jet with a ‘go’ and he sprints back to my quarters. King keeps up with Jet’s speed at infinite ease. I look back to see his eyes glinting in enjoyment.

We stop at the entrance of my quarters. I hand Jet’s reins to one of the team’s members. “Take him back to the stables.”

The guard’s cautious eyes never swing away from King, sitting at my feet. The jaguar gives him a mere glance before going back to licking his paws.

“Come meet a little deer, King.” I whistle, and he gets up to follow me inside.

I knock on the door to Mae’s room like the gentleman I’m supposed to be.

“Come in!” She calls in a bright tone.

I open the door and slip inside, King on my trail. She’s lying in bed, her hair falling in silky waves by her side. Clearly washed up, she’s wearing one of the dresses I instructed Kane to provide her. Despite being a simple knee-length knitted dress, it hugs her body to perfection. Its blue brings out the colour of her eyes. Should I rip it and see what’s underneath it? Or plunge a knife in it straight to her heart?

“Oh, it’s you.” She sits up, interrupting my musings.

“You seem disappointed.”

“I thought it was Kane.”

Only a day and she’s relating to Kane already? Copyright 2016 - 2024