Rugged Cowboy - Elana Johnson Page 0,94

badly.” She half scoffed and half sobbed. “That’s what my sister says, at least.”

“How old is your sister?”

“The oldest one is forty, and she’s, you know, perfect. Perfect husband, with the perfect job. Two perfect kids, perfectly balanced with a boy and a girl.” She exhaled and wiped her face with the napkin again.

“I know the type,” he said, seeing the family perfectly in his mind’s eye. “That was my family growing up.”

Jill sucked in a tight breath. “Oh.”

“I’m not offended,” Slate assured her quickly. “I just…know the type.” He looked out his window at the gulf again, wishing he had the guts to call his parents and let them know he was out. The fact that they didn’t know spoke volumes about their relationship, but Slate wondered if the new version of himself could try again to be the son they wanted.

The miles passed in silence after that, and after a few minutes, Slate looked over to find Jill leaning against the window, fast asleep. His heart went out to her, because he understood what it felt like to go through trauma and the sheer exhaustion that caused.

He wanted to protect her from the tumultuous times ahead, but he knew he couldn’t. He’d learned to release the things he couldn’t control in prison, and he couldn’t control her mother’s health.

When he turned onto the ranch and bumped from a smooth road to a dirt one, Jill jostled and woke.

“We’re back,” he said softly. “I’m sure they still have breakfast going in the West Wing if you want to eat.”

Jill wiped her hair back again and glanced around. “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

“Don’t be.” He pulled into the gravel lot and parked. Neither of them got out of the truck. “You should probably eat something.”

She looked at him, and Slate turned his head toward her. She was a beautiful woman, and his pulse performed a weird flip in his chest. He had no idea what it meant, only that he couldn’t look away from Jill, almost like her gaze had become a tractor beam, and he’d gotten stuck in it.

“Will you come with me?” she asked. “I don’t want to go in alone.”

Slate didn’t understand why. She’d lived here for years, and with one look at her, all of her friends would rally around her. They’d provide the support she needed, and Slate would disappear into the background.

He knew, because he’d seen the women here at Hope Eternal Ranch do that for each other several times in the short time he’d been there.

“Okay,” he said anyway. “But I can’t stay long. I have to get out to the….” He let his sentence die, because it was Sunday, and he didn’t have to get out to the fields that day. He had no reason why he couldn’t accompany Jill to breakfast and then spend the rest of the day with her too.

No reason except the fear pounding through his bloodstream at the very thought of walking into the West Wing and eating breakfast with everyone on the ranch.

Sneak Peek! Christmas Cowboy Chapter Two

Jill Kyle shimmied into the pale blue bridesmaid dress, frustrated at herself for the extra few pounds she carried. A month ago, she wouldn’t have the extra curve in her hip, but she’d had a very trying couple of weeks, and she’d been coping with her stress by eating.

Her kryptonite was ice cream and potato chips, and she’d been drinking a protein shake for lunch while carrying a bag of chips at the same time.

“You’re stunning,” Hannah said, and Jill turned toward her.

“You’re joking,” she said, taking in Hannah’s much taller frame and much trimmer waistline. “I can’t even zip this thing up.”

“I can.” Hannah stepped over to her, bringing the soft scent of a rosy perfume that Bill had given her. The zipper went right up, and Jill could still breathe. That was a win in her book, and she had something to put in her gratitude journal that night.

Jess and Dallas were getting married today, so she should probably put something like, I got to watch one of my best friends marry the man she loves, in her gratitude journal. She was grateful for that, and she decided to save the zipper for a day when she literally couldn’t find anything to express her gratitude.

Hannah wrapped her in a hug, and Jill turned to return the embrace. “How are you today?” Hannah asked.

She searched her emotions, and thankfully, she’d found some stable ground. “I’m okay,” Jill said Copyright 2016 - 2024