Rugged Cowboy - Elana Johnson Page 0,84

not all the horses were out there. Diamond Valley was missing, as was Marshmallow Crème and one named Scalloped Potato.

She realized that almost every horse had been dressed up too. They wore ribbons and flowers in their manes, and a few even had neckties hanging from their necks.

The soft beating of horse’s hooves met her ears, and Jess turned away from her horsed-off left and looked right, toward the sound.

More than one horse and rider were approaching, and if Jess had to guess, she’d land on the number three. Sure enough, Diamond Valley came into view, and her rider immediately pulled her to a stop.

Dallas sat in the saddle, wearing jeans, a bright blue shirt, and that delicious cowboy hat. Marshmallow Crème carried Remmy, and Scalloped Potato held Thomas.

Jess’s throat closed, and she lifted her hand to it, as if she could knead it back into working order.

“Jessica Morales,” Dallas said from atop that magnificent black and white horse. He’d somehow braided yellow and pink ribbons through the horse’s mane, and Jess loved it. Marshmallow bore red roses, and they looked amazing with her creamy coat.

“I’m in love with you,” he said next, and Jess sucked in a breath while several people standing by all the other horses sighed in happiness.

“You were right, you know. I wasn’t ready for our new normal before. But I am now. I’ve been going to therapy and getting my priorities in line. My ex-wife is with her sister in another state.” He glanced at Remmy first and then Thomas. They both looked at him, and then all three of them focused on Jess again.

“I don’t have a whole lot to offer you,” he said. “Just me and my kids. We found a really nice house, but we’re afraid to buy it, because we want you to be happy in it.” He swallowed, and his nerves struck her straight in the chest. “I’m hoping that you’ll be like these amazing horses you tend to, and forgive me. Give me another shot. Let’s try for our brand of normal. I promise you, Remmy, and Tommy will always be at the top of my list, and I promise you I’m ready for this.”

He looked at Thomas, and the boy raised his hand. Jess watched as all the men and women Dallas had persuaded to go along with his plan reached into their pockets and pulled out hard candy. They crinkled the wrappers for the horses, and that really set some of them to talking.

They huffed and nickered, creating an applause of sorts that made Jess start to laugh. They got their rewards too, and Remmy called out, “Show ‘er what you’ve got, horses.”

The few she’d trained to go down on their front knee did, while others stood still while their humans slid signs from their backs to hang down from their necks. Each one had a letter on it, and together, the horses had made a sentence.

I’m sorry. We love you. Let’s all try again and see if we can build a fam—

Jess had started on her far left and turned as her brain put the letters into words. She could fill in the last few letters, but then as she faced Thomas, Dallas, and Remmy, she didn’t have to.

They each held up the last three letters, Remmy grinning like she’d just won a trip to Disneyland.

Thomas smiled too, but Dallas looked one second away from throwing up.

Jess sobbed, unable to keep her emotions in check for another second.

“Get to her,” someone said, and the next thing she knew, Dallas gathered her into his arms and held her tight. He was strong when she was weak, and she’d been strong when he’d been weak. They complimented each other, and she didn’t want a life without him.

She’d been living that life, and it was miserable, constrained to stables and a single bedroom. She wanted to live, and be out in the world, and experience everything with him at her side.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m sure you were panicked when you didn’t find any horses inside.”

She just shook her head and looked up at him. His light eyes searched hers, the hope burning in them so bright and so wonderful. “I really am ready,” he said.

Jess nodded, tipping up onto her toes. She just needed to kiss him right now. Thankfully, he let her, and all the humans in the area started to cheer and clap. Jess laughed, so she didn’t really get her kiss, and she tucked herself Copyright 2016 - 2024