Rugged Cowboy - Elana Johnson Page 0,26

didn’t seem ready for much more than that, and Jess had once tried to convince a man he was ready to date when he wasn’t, and she didn’t need to repeat that disaster.

He sat down in front of his computer, and Jess saw the quick flash of pain as it crossed his face. “You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah.” He painted over the discomfort with a smile that could surely charm anyone with even one good eye.

Jess cocked her head, trying to see deeper inside him to what he wouldn’t say. “We haven’t talked as much lately,” she said. “I was a little surprised to get your text.”

“Were you?” The smile slipped away, and the more vulnerable version of Dallas Dreyer took over. “I’ve just been really busy with getting the new system set up,” he said. “And the kids back in school, and…stuff.”

“You say ‘stuff’ a lot,” she teased, but it did annoy her somewhat that he couldn’t be more specific.

“Do I?” His light gray eyes sparkled now, and Jess sure did like seeing that. She’d seen him with this glint in his eye when he laughed with Ted Burrows or when he smiled at something his daughter said during dinner.

“Yes,” she said with a light laugh, beyond glad it wasn’t a giggle. “You might want to work on being a little more specific tonight.” She stood and lifted her hand in a wave. “I have to get back to my horses. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Okay.” He stood too and took the couple of steps to the door. “See you tonight.” He smiled her out the door, and Jess couldn’t help the extra bounce in her step as she went back to Rich and a horse named Valley of Ferns, because of her feathery light, almost velvet, coat.

“Hannah,” Jess said later that night, entering the other woman’s bedroom. “Can I borrow that tank top with the blue ruffles?”

Hannah looked up from her tablet, surprise in her expression. Jess already wore a pair of tight, black jeans, and she needed something feminine and flirty for this date. Though Dallas had touched her elbow that morning, and he’d asked her to dinner to celebrate the offer on his house, he’d still been somewhat distant. It was almost like he didn’t even see her standing in front of him, and she really wanted to open his eyes that night.

Hannah’s gaze slid down to Jess’s feet and back to her curled hair. “Who are you going out with? You said you didn’t meet anyone at the wedding.” She got up off her bed and stepped over to her closet.

“I didn’t,” Jess said. “Well, I suppose you could say I did.”

Hannah handed her the shirt, and Jess slipped out of her T-shirt and into the blue tank. It clung to her bust-line all the way down to her ribcage and then fell in ruffled layers to cover the top of her jeans. “I love that on you,” Hannah said. “It’s so good with your coloring.” She smiled at Jess. “Who are you all dolled up for?”

“Dallas Dreyer,” Jess said, trying not to feel so giddy. She’d texted him earlier that afternoon, and he’d responded with, Driving to get the kids. Will see you in a few hours.

She’d deflated a little, and she’d determined not to text him again. He could send texts too, and she didn’t want to come on too strong. She’d been told she could be intimidating, and Jess usually wasn’t afraid to let a man know how she felt about him.

“Dallas Dreyer?” Hannah’s eyes opened a little wider. “Wow, Jess. He is a good-looking man.”

“Why are you so surprised then?” Jess turned to look at the back of the shirt in the mirror on Hannah’s closet door. It hung right, and she was glad she’d thought of this tank top. Hopefully, Dallas would like it.

“I’m not surprised,” Hannah said. “That he asked you out. I’m surprised you said yes.”

“Why?” Jess looked at Hannah fully now. They’d been working together on the ranch for years now, and they’d lived in the West Wing next door to each other for all of that time. Eight or nine years, since Hannah had come to Hope Eternal.

“He doesn’t seem like your type,” Hannah said, shrugging. “That’s all.”

“What’s my type?” Jess asked, truly curious. “He’s smart and handsome. He’s hardworking. He’s turned that equipment shed around singlehandedly in just two weeks.” She was very impressed with Dallas, and surely Hannah was too.

“That’s all true,” Hannah said. “It’s just…he Copyright 2016 - 2024