Rugged Cowboy - Elana Johnson Page 0,10

a mechanic. Then, after the ceremony, when she’d met Nate and Ginger in the stable, she’d gotten the go-ahead to hire him.

She’d swallowed her pride, and boy, that had been a big ball to force down her throat.

“Did you need something?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, realizing that she’d fallen into staring at him. He was pretty easy to look at, that was for sure. “I’ve been authorized to offer you a position here at the ranch.”

He opened his mouth and then closed it again.

“As our mechanic,” she said. “We’re always a couple of steps behind with our equipment, and your skill with that air conditioner told me that you could get us caught up and keep us that way.”

Dallas looked like she’d thrown her phone and hit him in the nose. He blinked a couple of times and leaned against the counter behind him.

“Do you have another job?” Jess asked. “The salary is pretty good, and it comes with a place for you and your kids to live.”

His eyes widened even further, and Jess wondered why he hadn’t changed out of his suit yet. She couldn’t wait to get out of her dress, and her bedroom was only steps down the hall. Freedom. Relief.

She was so much more comfortable in jeans, a tank top, and boots, a cowgirl hat on her head and a pair of leather gloves in her back pocket. She could talk to the horses, and tell them about the wedding, and how beautiful Ginger was.

She could whisper about her own dreams and fantasies to ride one of them down an aisle to her waiting groom—or better yet, she could ride on the front of the saddle with her husband-to-be behind her.

“How good is the salary?” Dallas asked, pulling Jess back to reality.

“Sixty thousand,” she said. “The cabin is out quite a ways, unfortunately, but it’s a quick drive in. Five, maybe ten, minutes.”

He looked like he was really considering it, and Jess wished it wasn’t such a debate for him. “The cabin is here on the ranch?”


“How much of a cabin are we talking? There’s running water and stuff?”

“Yes,” she said. “It’s one of the guest cabins we rent out, actually. We don’t do as much of that in the winter, and Ginger is going to build more cabins here at the epicenter of the ranch. I’m sure you’ll move into one of those once they’re done.” The ranch needed the money from the rentals, Jess knew that.

Hope Eternal was a great ranch, but it did take all the moving pieces and streams of revenue to keep everyone employed and the operation running smoothly. Ginger did an amazing job managing it all, though Jess knew each woman in the West Wing contributed mightily to the overall success of the ranch, herself included.

“Okay,” Dallas finally said. “I can do that. Are we talking full-time work?”

“In the beginning, yes,” she said. “Like, I said, we’re behind on all of our mechanical work right now.”

“Okay,” Dallas said.

“Do you have a minute for me to take you out to the cabin? Emma will have your paperwork in the morning.”

“Sure.” Dallas started toward her, and Jess scanned him from head to toe.

“You don’t want to change?”

He paused, his step slowing to a stop. “Yeah, I guess I better.” A hint of a flush crawled up his neck as he pivoted and went down the hall toward the bedrooms.

Jess felt the oxygen drain from the room as he left, and she sagged against the kitchen island in partial relief and partial annoyance. She wasn’t sure if she was irritated with herself or with Dallas, or with the day in general.

Dallas must’ve learned how to change in under thirty seconds, because he returned to the kitchen before Jess knew it. That, or she’d lost track of time while she stood in the kitchen, thinking about him.

“Ready,” he announced, and Jess straightened and led him out to the garage. “I have to tell Ted where I’ll be. Be right back.” He veered left while she went right, where she’d parked in the driveway. A sense of self-consciousness slipped through her as she got behind the wheel. Dallas would be in this truck with her, and the cab was suddenly very, very small.

She even looked over to the passenger side of the bench, and she didn’t think he’d fit on the seat. She’d once again lost time, and before she knew it, Dallas was opening the door and climbing in. He adjusted himself on the Copyright 2016 - 2024