To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,61

was how lucky I was to be marrying the love of my life and best friend.

Thank you for reading To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please think about leaving a review and recommending the book to your friends. The next book in the series is To My Arrogant Boss and features Jane and Tate. You can preorder it here.

Check out a small preview from To My Arrogant Boss below!



To Mr. Tate Howard,

You are quite possibly the most infuriating, annoying and grumpy man I’ve ever met in my life. I know you think that you’re God’s gift to women, but I have a secret to let you in on: you’re not. You’re God’s gift to yourself. Get over your wanna-be cool surfer self and grow up. I thought it was time that someone addressed your big head and told you straight to your face that you're not all that. Just because you have an Ivy league education doesn’t mean you’re the smartest man in the world. In fact, I’m not even sure if you would have gotten in if you didn’t have rich parents. Yes, I went there. Every woman doesn’t want to sleep with you and I’m sure you’re not even good in bed. And I’m someone that would know.


Your Secret Not Admirer

I stared at the letter that had arrived in the mail and read it twice before laughing. This was the first time I’d ever received an anonymous letter and granted it wasn’t from a secret admirer, it was still someone that I had obviously affected enough to have made them write to me.

“At least they know I have a big head.” I grinned to myself as I folded the letter back up and put it back in the envelope.

Chapter One


“Another man on a chain and leash.” I pursed my lips as I stared at my phone. I put it back in the slot in front of me as I continued to run on the treadmill. I ran ten miles every morning: sometimes in the street and sometimes in the gym. I looked around the gym and nodded at the bulky guy two treadmills down from me. He was stocky, but he wasn’t cut; like me. A cute blonde chick was on a recumbent bike to the left and I gave her a small smile as she stared back at me, yet again. She’d looked at me more times than I could count and I knew she was hoping I’d strike up a conversation with her. I’d thought about it when I’d arrived at the gym, but now I was too annoyed. I picked up my phone again and stared at the text message from my college friend and business partner, Jagger Scott. “Can’t make the bar tonight. Magnolia wants us to go to a pottery class. Have a shot for me.”

“A fucking pottery class?” I rolled my eyes. Jagger was my third friend in two years to have become a pussy just because he was getting some. I had no idea what the hell was going on. We were only thirty, in the prime of our lives. We were meant to be going out, getting wasted and waking up in strange chick’s bedrooms. Like we did in college. Shit, we’d all had a ton of fun in college. I remember one night when I’d gotten ten numbers and had one girl blow me in the bathroom before I’d gone home with her friend. That had been a fun night. I sighed and then scrolled through my phone to figure out who else could be my wingman for the night. The traction on the treadmill grew harder as it switched to uphill mode and I stopped looking at my phone for a few seconds to concentrate on running.

You can read the full copy of Arrogant Boss if preorder it here.

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Continue reading to enjoy an excerpt from my book, About Last Night.

Excerpt from About Last Night

Read About Last Night here.

“I don’t want to go on this date. Please don’t make me, Charlotte,” I pleaded with my best friend, though we both knew I was going. I hadn’t blown out my hair and worn heels for nothing.

“Emily, it will be amazing, trust me. I mean, it’s almost like fate set this up for you guys. He’s newly single, and supposedly he’s amazing. Go and have fun. Copyright 2016 - 2024