To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,57

those years ago.” He grinned. “The night you wanted to seduce me, you’d left me a note. I thought it would be romantic.”

“So you knew you were writing those notes to me the entire time?” My jaw dropped and he laughed.


“But you called me Number 4!”

“I thought it was fun to keep it going. I loved getting your notes.”

“I called you the Rude Guy in Apartment Five.” I shook my head. “Well, I guess I was right about that, at least.”

“Touché.” His smile made my heart race. “I deserved that, I suppose. You see, I’ve been waiting to win your heart for a really long time, and I was scared that if I told you too much, you would feel overwhelmed. I knew as soon as I saw you again that I still loved you and wanted you. And, well, you were sexier than ever before. I wanted to touch you and be with you. But then you got all mad at me. You thought I only cared about sex. I needed you to know it wasn’t about sex. It’s never been about sex.”

“What’s it about, then?”

“It’s about love. It’s about how I’ve never stopped wanting you. It’s about me moving across the country to show you that.”

“But are you happy here?” I asked him. “You always said you wouldn’t leave New York. You always said there was no better place on the planet.”

“I said a lot of things when I was younger.” He shrugged. “But the truth of the matter is I didn’t want to leave New York because that was my home. Who wants to leave their home?”

“But you did leave. You’re in San Francisco now.” I stroked the side of his face. “This isn’t New York though, Jagger. No matter how beautiful and cool it is here, it’s not home.”

“Aw but that’s where you’re wrong, Magnolia. I am home.” He beamed at me so brightly that my heart seemed to skip a beat.

“What do you mean? You’re not home.”

“Love brings you home,” Jagger said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “It doesn’t matter where I am as long as I’m with you.”

“But I’m just one person.” I shook my head. “There’s so much back in New York for you.”

“Magnolia, you may be just one little person, but in my heart you’re everything. You’re all that I need. Don’t you understand that yet?” His crinkled smile made my heart leap. “Don’t you understand that you’re my everything?”

“Are you sure?” I whispered as he stared into my eyes.

“I’m more than sure.” He leaned forward to kiss me. “I invested in a company for you. I moved here for you. I left you sweet little notes every day just to know you were reading my words.”

“The notes weren’t sweet.” I giggled. “Some days I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes.”

“I’ll never write you another note then.” He grinned. “I promise.”

“Don’t you dare stop, Kingston Jagger Scott.” I leaned forward to kiss him. “You owe me ten years’ worth of notes.”

“I owe you ten years’ worth of loving as well, and I’m willing to start now if you are.” He kissed me back passionately, and as his tongue slipped into my mouth, I knew that everything was going to be okay. I understood why he hadn’t told me everything. I understood and I forgave him. I forgave him because I still loved him and I thought that what he’d done had been the most romantic thing in the world.


Two Months Later


“Do you trust me?” I whispered in her ear.

Magnolia shivered at the feeling of my breath on her skin and my cock hardened in response. She shifted and rubbed her ass against me, trying to turn me on. I grabbed her hip and pushed her back against me, thrusting my hard-on into her ass so that she could feel just how turned on I was.

“Jagger.” She looked back at me with wide eyes and an impish smile, her brown eyes laughing at me. “Should I trust you?”

“Of course.” I gave her my most innocent expression and she rolled her eyes at me. “Okay, we’re nearly there,” I said as we continued walking through Golden Gate Park.

“This is absolutely crazy.” She grabbed my hand and stopped still. “Am I crazy?”

“Yes.” I spun her around and into my arms. “But that’s why I love you.” I reached my hands up and played with her curls. “Today is going to be fun.”

“That’s what you always say.”

She smiled up at me, and I held Copyright 2016 - 2024