To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,3

you’d be pretty close. I’m going to be working for a start-up, which is pretty cool because the CEO, Tate, is this totally rich guy who is pretty flexible with just about everything. The office is really small and brand new, and all the new employees are starting today.

In somewhat weird news, I’m not sure exactly what the company does, but I suppose I’ll find out soon. I would be super duper excited about my new job if it wasn’t for the fact that my new neighbor is an asshole and has kept me up for the last three nights with his horrendously loud music.

In other news, I have a date tonight! Yes, this is my first date in a year, and yes, I’m nervous as hell, but I’m going to be a strong, beautiful, confident twenty-eight-year-old and act like I have it going on. Wish me luck!



The clock struck 8 a.m. as I stood with my back to the door, heart pounding. Jagger-frigging-Scott had knocked on my door two times in the last five minutes shouting that he had a morning coffee for me.

As if I would open the door to him again. I wanted to know what the hell was he doing here, but I wasn’t about to ask him and the only other person I could ask wouldn’t want to hear his name.

I growled at the door and looked down at my watch. I had to leave in 15 minutes or I was going to be late for work. I walked away from the door and towards the mirror that was propped against the wall next to my TV. Living in a studio apartment in San Francisco was not glamorous, and it always made me feel awkward studying my appearance next to the windows that allowed everyone in the next building to see what I was doing. This morning, though, I didn’t care if they watched me practice walking in my brand-new black heels and gray pencil skirt.

I stared into the mirror and frowned. My blouse was beautiful, but my white bra was clearly visible underneath the thin fabric. I was trying to decide if the effect was chic or cheap. Overall, I thought I looked cute but businesslike, and my hair had really loved the deep conditioning I’d done the night before.

I was focusing on the stupid details of my appearance to distract myself from the fact that Kingston Jagger Scott was outside my door.

Had he been as shocked as I’d been when we’d seen each other? I hadn’t seen him since I was 18—ten whole years ago. Of course, he’d looked hotter now than he ever had. I wondered why he’d dropped the Kingston and just went by Jagger now.

Not that I was going to ask him. I didn’t care.

He knocked again. I walked over to the door and pressed my hand against the wood as I yawned. I’d had a shitty night’s sleep, remembering his mocking gaze as we’d glared at each other the night before. Of course, I’d gone back and reread his notes. Now that I knew they were from him, they were all so much more interesting. He was such a horn ball—not that I’d been shocked. What had shocked me was the way I’d felt rereading the notes. When I’d first read them, I’d rolled my eyes and shaken my head.

Last night, my panties had gotten wet.

I groaned. I was still attracted to Jagger, even though I couldn’t stand him.

“I heard that Magnolia, I know you’re there,” Jagger said through the door.

I debated opening the door quickly and slapping him in the face before closing it again. I could imagine the look of shock on his face, but he’d probably laugh and say it turned him on. Jagger Scott was incorrigible.

“I know you’re home, Magnolia, you can’t hide from me. You never have been able to before.” I could hear him laughing

“Go away!” I shouted at the door between us. “I need to head to work and I don’t want to see you or talk to you.”

“Aw, Magnolia Allen, are you being shy?”

“Kingston, just leave.”

“I go by Jagger now.” His voice was cheerful. “I can tell you why if you open the door. I’m sure you’re curious.”

“I certainly am not.”

“We don’t have to do this now.” He seemed to be shouting louder now. “Maybe you’d prefer to come into my room naked tonight like—” His words broke off as I swung the door open. He grinned. “I thought that would Copyright 2016 - 2024