Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,4

if the other man wished him dead, but again, his father had protected him through his will, leaving the company to him, and if in the event of Scott’s death, the company went to trustees, not the widow. Smart man, his father. Haven Corp was built by his grandfather, then made into more by his dad. Scott decided he wasn’t making it more, though. Gary could continue working for him and the company while he went out and did good for his country.

Angel though, she was throwing a curveball into his life.

How the hell could he not have known they’d adopted Talena, his beloved sister? Gary, his stepdad loved Talena like she was his own, yet he’d treated him as if he was a second-class citizen at best. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Surely, his mother would’ve told him? They were close, always had been. Hell, they all three looked alike, from the light blond hair to their blue eyes. Sure, he and his mother’s eyes were lighter, but they’d been told their entire lives how much they resembled their mom.

“You don’t believe me?” Angela asked, wiping the tears from her cheeks, tears she could turn on or off just as quickly.

“We look alike,” he blurted. Fuck, that sounded stupid even to his own ears. Many people resembled others without being related.

Her mirthless laugh had him clenching his jaw. “Listen, I’m sorry about—your situation. Hell, it feels awful calling a baby a situation. You should be overjoyed. I’ll support you as a friend and a brother. You know as good as anyone I’m not a good catch.” No more fuck buddies for them, that was a given.

She sliced her hand through the air, a scream escaping her. “You’ll support me? You don’t have a clue what’s going to happen to me. Oh god. I’ve got to get out of here.”

Scott stepped in front of her when she moved toward the door. Her wild outburst different than any he’d witnessed. “What are you going to do? You need to calm the fuck down.”

“It’s none of your business. I needed you to help me, but you clearly won’t. I’ll handle it.” She shoved at his chest.

“What do you mean, you’ll handle it?” Shit, was she going to get rid of her baby? He raked a hand over his head. His hair was in need of a good cut, but when they went out on missions, they needed to blend in. Fuck, he didn’t have time for this bullshit. When he came home, he wanted to see his family, rest a bit, then go back in with a clear head after fucking a woman or three.

“Listen, Hollywood, you worry about yourself like you always do, and I’ll worry about myself, like I’ve always done. As for our little sis, remember what I said. She’s no more blood than I am, and daddy dearest will have his sights set on her next,” she sneered.

While he was trying to come to terms with what she was saying, she managed to push past him, using his confusion to her advantage. In those few moments, Angela was down the hall and entering the elevator.

“Angela, hold up, let me help you.” He rushed into the hall, his bare feet slapping against the concrete floor.

She met his eyes seconds before the doors closed, resolution in her own, confusion in his. Scott thought about running down the stairs and demanding she tell him what she was going to do, but he really had no say. She wasn’t his anything except stepsister he slept with when he was on leave occasionally. Sure, he loved her, but he wasn’t in love with her, and she didn’t love him like that either. “Fuck,” he muttered, walking back into his apartment, slamming the door behind him. There’s one thing that was drilled into him to remember to do when he was in combat. No matter what the situation, no matter whose life was at stake, or how high the risks, always stay in control, never panic. Right now, he was doing his best to remember that.

“It's never as good as it seems, and it's never as bad as it seems, but keep your head and there's always a way out,” he murmured, wishing he’d said that to Angela.

The day after tomorrow he was due to go back to North Carolina before his next assignment sent him out for God knew how long. Shit, for all he knew, he’d be gone when Angela had Copyright 2016 - 2024