Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,38

the door gliding down behind her. He could tell when she noticed Louis and his car, a small tap of her brake lights, and then she blew past the fucker. “We won’t catch her in that ride either, boys,” Hollywood warned Cosmo.

“Why the fuck did you let her have a car, or rather cars—plural—that go that fast? Note to self, my woman will have a scooter, like one of those ones you see little old ladies riding with Life Alert shit.” Axl stared straight ahead instead of out the side this time.

“You are in for a rude awakening when you find your woman,” Cosmo said, maneuvering his bigger vehicle around corners like he was in a smaller one trying to keep up with the others.

Axl smirked while silence descended.

“My mother and T bought it, without my approval,” he bit out, one arm holding onto the oh shit handle to keep from being flung around. “You can bet I’ll be taking steps to fix that oversight real damn quick.”

“I don’t know, she’s a damn good driver, man. Look at her,” Roq said, a big hand coming between the seats.

Hollywood didn’t want anyone else looking at Talena, least of all one of Cosmo’s guys, not even when she was driving like a fucking maniac. Just as he was about to tell the other man to shut the fuck up, or keep his eyes to himself, the two faster cars broke away from them.

“Fuck me.” He stabbed the number to Keys with his finger, wondering if his phone was going to make it through the night without being broken into a million pieces. “Keys, I need you to keep tabs on Talena’s moving dot, brother. She’s got a crazy fucker on her ass and they’re moving faster than Cosmo’s rig can go.”

“Got her. I’ve also got help coming your way. I had a feeling you might need some backup in the way of rides. Don’t ask, I won’t tell.”

Damn ex-SEAL and his secrets. Right then, Hollywood didn’t care if Keys knew the damn President and had him on speed dial if it helped Talena. “You gonna give us a hint as to who or what to look for so I don’t kill them?”

Keys laughter grated on his very last nerve, which he’d been sure he’d already lost about ten minutes ago.

“You’ll know when you see it fly by you. All I ask is you not to kill him or hurt him in any way. He’s a friend.” Keys grunted, going quiet for long seconds.

A yellow blur flew by them, stilling his words. Hollywood knew what that vehicle was. “Dayumm, a Hennessee Venom GT, Keys?” The car in question could go from zero to sixty in two point four seconds, a hundred miles per hour in four point four seconds, and two hundred miles per hour in just under thirteen seconds. Only a fucking crazy person would drive that car on the freeway after two other fast cars, unless they were adrenalin junkies or nuts. Not to mention, they had to be rich as fuck to afford the ride at close to seven figures.

“He’ll make sure he’s between your girl and the asshole following her. You need to make sure you catch up and get to wherever she’s going. I did some checking on one Louis Valdez. He’s one prick that needs taken out, quietly. Note the last word, Hollywood,” Keys warned.

“Keys, let me make this really clear so that you understand. That fucker is after my girl. That means he just became Hollywood enemy number one. There is no quietly when it comes to me making sure he’s no longer a threat.” He wasn’t going to lie or play games. He’d killed for his country and he’d killed for his brotherhood. He would kill for Talena, period.

“I figured you’d say that. Cosmo, please try to keep him from going to jail. I’m sure he would get out quickly, but we don’t need any incidents right now.”

“Is that Hollywood?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose at the angry bark of his club prez. Looking over at Cosmo, he shook his head, then disconnected. “Damn, we lost service. If you feel you need to drop me off, you do that right in front of Talena’s car, brother.”

Cosmo gave a jerk of his head, the phone on the dash lighting up. “You know, I heard China was a really nice place to visit. I’m sure it sucked you running into that wall and shit while you Copyright 2016 - 2024