Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,24

truly pathetic I must be.

Rounding the hood of her custom built MC20 Maserati, she ignored his growl for her to stop. The sports car really was a work of art that she should be more careful with. Her allowance, paid via Haven Corp, funded her lavish lifestyle. The latest model of her car wasn’t due to hit the market for another year, with the figure well over a hundred and seventy-five grand.

Once she was settled inside the smooth, dark leather interior, she popped her sunglasses on before chancing a look back at Hollywood. Tears burned her eyes, but she was made of sterner stuff. Talena had cried so much in her life. She honestly didn’t think she had any more tears left to cry even if she wanted to, which she most certainly didn’t. Hollywood’s own icy blue eyes were hidden behind sunglasses, making her glad he couldn’t see her through her designer shades. She wondered what he was looking at as he stared straight toward her. With the tint on her windows, she didn’t think he could see her all that well, but he was like superman in her mind, seeing through things with his laser vision. The thought almost made her laugh as she fired the engine up.

God, she loved the way the Nettuno Engine purred. She knew for a fact it could go from zero to sixty in two-point nine seconds flat. That would be something she didn’t share with Hollywood though, not if she wanted to continue driving her precious car. He’d lose his shit if he knew she’d been participating in illegal drag racing in LA for the last two years. Nope, she wouldn’t be sharing her extracurricular activities with him. It wasn’t like she was putting the title to her car on the line like some of the other drivers. She didn’t race her precious car, not that she didn’t think it would win, but in the races, she preferred to race with something much more subtle.

She shifted into reverse with ease, making sure she rolled down the driveway and out onto the highway as if she was a geriatric grandmother out for a Sunday stroll. Once she was far enough away, she let the car do what it was made for. Fly, giving her the sense that she loved, feeling free.

“I wish I was more like Tai. She’s a fighter,” she whispered. Anger at herself for being such a little bitch made her turn the radio up, drowning out the voices in her head while the scenery flew by.

The other woman had nothing when she’d met Cosmo, except the clothes she’d had on her back. Talena had heard Tai’s story, had seen the scars on the other woman, yet she stood tall and proud. Her courage made Talena wish she was braver. She’d known in those moments, if she’d been in Tai, or any of the other women’s shoes, she’d have buckled and died. They were worth a thousand women like her. While Cosmo was rich as all get out and would gladly buy Tai anything her heart desired, Talena was happy to give what she could to others, to women who deserved more than life had given them. She’d gone through her things, boxing up so much stuff she would actually need to make a couple more trips in order to unload it all. She hoped between Tai and the other ladies, her trash, would be their treasures. Next time, she’d make sure Hollywood wouldn’t be there before she ventured out. One day, she’d fuck up and then he’d see her feelings written all over her face. Poor Scott would have to do what he did best and let her down easy. Of course, then he’d back away, maybe stop coming to their family home. If there was one thing sure to break Tara, his biological mom’s heart, it was losing the son she loved more than anything and anyone else in the world. She’d loved Talena enough to adopt her and give her a loving home, but Scott, he was her flesh and blood. She’d never forget that truth.

Shaking off thoughts of what might happen, she glanced at her phone, smiling at the message from Tai. The woman and Cosmo were both overly grateful for the things she’d given away. Some of the things she’d given were super sexy lingerie, still sporting the tags. The heated looks Cosmo had given the other woman had been exactly what she’d envisioned Hollywood would Copyright 2016 - 2024