Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,15

incriminating pictures, spanning years. Fucking years. And, yeah, you and she were clearly fucking in them, of that there is no doubt.” His anger was boiling out of control at the thought of Gary doing the same to Talena.

“You and I both know these things can be created, falsified with even a rudimentary computer program,” he denied.

Scott had already thought of that. He’d sent the images to one of his friends who specializes in cybercrime. The man had verified the authenticity of the images after he’d scrubbed them of any viruses. There was no copy paste insert done to them. “No, I made sure they were the real deal before coming here. Oh, don’t look so shocked, Gare. I didn’t make it into Delta Force with my looks.”

“Who else has seen these so-called incriminating images?” Gary pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, wiping his brow and shook his head.

“My team leader as well as a trusted cybercrime specialist. So, you can stand there and deny till you’re blue in the face, but you and I know the truth. She was a child, your child who trusted you. The first time Angela said she was barely a teen when you molested her, blaming her mother. Did I mention how detailed she was in her ten-page letter? She didn’t leave much out that I could tell, obviously she’d been planning—she’d not done what she did in haste. From what I gathered, you made her believe she was special.”

“You can’t believe the ramblings of a...a girl who wasn’t of the right mind. Look what she did,” Gary yelled. “She killed herself and that of her unborn child.”

“That she did, and I’ll always regret not doing more to help her. You know what I think? I think that baby she carried was yours. She loved you like a woman, not a daughter. That’s why you moved her out here, not because she didn’t get along with her mother like you’d said but so you could have her closer to you. She was nineteen then and still thought you and she were...fuck, I don’t even fucking know. Angela’s letter said you and she were in love. Which is bullshit, and you and I both know it. Sick fucks like you groom kids to think that way, but she was nothing more than a victim. You belong behind bars where Bubba would make you his bitch,” he spat, bumping his chest against Gary’s.

“You can’t prove anything. Besides, what would your precious military think if they found out you were fucking your own sister?” An unholy light glinted in the dark face his mother had ran to when her husband had been killed in a car accident, a face that Scott had thought was kind and caring. Now that man was threatening to try and tarnish his name. He wanted to laugh at the audacity, but he knew Gary wasn’t joking. However, he also didn’t want to give the bastard any more chances to hurt his family. His mom and sister were the two most important people in his life. He couldn’t leave them unprotected and with his career, he was gone for long periods of time.

“My team is aware I had sexual relations with Angela, my non-blood related sister. What they didn’t know was my stepfather was fucking her, had been molesting her since she was thirteen. Is that what you were asking?”

Sweat was rolling down Gary’s face unchecked now. “What do you want from me?”

That was a loaded question. “I want you behind bars. I want Angela alive, and I want this to be a nightmare I wake up from. Can you deliver any of those for me?”

“Hey, you two, supper is getting cold,” his mother called out. From the sound of her voice, she was coming toward them and would see they had been arguing in seconds.

“You better make a quick decision, because there’s no way on God’s green Earth I’ll allow you to continue to live in my home with my mother and sister. You can’t ruin my career, Gary. You may run my father’s company, my company, for now. But you won’t come Monday morning.” He’d already had the board of trustees begin the process of removing Gary from his position. Yes, they’d needed him sixteen years ago when his father was killed, and he’d been a little eight-year-old boy. The company had been growing by leaps and bounds in the medical field. However, they were so ingrained in the world Copyright 2016 - 2024