Royally Broken by Elle Boon Page 0,74

Koyn dropped his cigarette, grinding it into the polished floor.

Claire tried to drop onto her knees to clean it up, but Koyn put his foot on her chest, kicking her backward. “I didn’t tell you to touch my shit.”

“She likes pain, brother,” Keys told him.

Koyn laughed. “Oh, she won’t when we get through with her.” He bent down resting on his haunches, arms hanging over his knees while he looked directly into her eyes. “You see, while Keys was up here having a reunion with his ole lady, we did some digging. You’re a nasty old bitch, aren’t you, Claire Langley? The only reason Keys there made it out of your clutches without being used and well, I’d say abused but you did that to him, just not sexually, was because he was your grandson. Glad to know you did draw the line somewhere.”

Keys stumbled backward. He’d been so sure knowing who his parents were wouldn’t matter. If his dad was supposedly a descendant to Jack Lions, then his mother would’ve been Claire’s daughter. Why then hadn’t she told him and why did she hate him so? The bigger question was, if all that was true, then why hadn’t she claimed her share of the town?

“Her daughter died giving birth to Silas. Silas’s father was killed overseas. She agreed to keep the child and the secret of his paternity, if she was given a few things along with her boys.” Koyn looked up at Keys.

“Why didn’t she kill me too?” Keys asked.

“If the baby died, she would’ve lost her money,” Koyn said simply.

Things clicked into place. Their home was modest, but they always had money, they just never gave him anything except the very bare necessities. “Where’s her boys?” he snarled.

“Bring her on in. Let’s have a real reunion. I believe we got the entire family and extended fam here as well.” King motioned to Keys to follow him.

They walked further into the house, their boots echoing loudly. He didn’t look at Claire, didn’t care what Koyn did to her as he left her with the other man. She might or might not be his blood, but she wasn’t his family.

Down a hallway they entered a large room that could’ve been straight out of a BDSM nightmare scene. He and his brothers all were into the scene to a certain extent but what he was looking at wasn’t anything that could be considered safe, sane, and sure as shit wasn’t consensual. “What the fuck?” he muttered.

“Those are the Littles to the old fuckers. We’ve released them but they’re convinced this is a test and if they move, they’ll be punished,” Dragon said, an uneasy tone entering his voice.

“Leave em be, Dragon. They’ve already been fucked up by the sick bastards. Besides, I need help getting them up in their contraptions. They’re not as light as their victims.” Koyn pushed Claire in front of him, making her keep moving.

“What’s the meaning of this and who are all of you degenerates?” Mayor Coker asked, straightening his suit jacket.

Keys tossed his head back, laughing at the proper way the man spoke, even as a dozen young men and women, with nothing but collars and chains on cowered along the walls. “Are you fucking kidding me, PopPop? Isn’t that what your granddaughter used to call you, until you betrayed her trust by selling her to your Little? That is until he aged out of your society. Fuck, what is wrong with all of you?” Keys roared the question. His mind scrambling to process the men he was seeing half dressed, looking as though they’d been playing with the poor victims, with the men he remembered from before.

The sheriff, who had been a bastard when he’d been younger, sat with a narrowed eyed look as he stared at Keys. He wore a pair of boxers with his son next to him wearing a skimpy pair of briefs. Neither man looked afraid, but that would change.

“What’s your name, boy?” the former sheriff asked.

“The only boys in this room are you sick fucks who can’t get it up unless you have a Little”—he snarled the word, moving closer to the retired sheriff until he could grab him by the shirt, hauling him up so they were face to face—"my name is Keys but you might remember me by a different name. Silas.” He let the name hang in the air.

“It can’t be. He died,” Claire cried.

“Sorry granny, but as you can see, I’m alive and well.” Keys Copyright 2016 - 2024