Royally Broken by Elle Boon Page 0,58

Copper and Koyn were two mean fuckers anyone would be glad to have on their side. The town of Lionsville Missouri was gonna wish like hell they hadn’t screwed him over.

“Get some rest, baby. Tomorrow we head out. I want to get you two out of town before the shit hits the fan.”

“Where we going to go, Keys? I don’t see the three of us riding on your bike. I have my Tahoe with the proper equipment for transporting a baby. I also have everything I need in my purse in case we need to fly. I was...prepared to leave with Jaxson should I have the need.”

He heard the fear and worry she tried to conceal from him. Her husband had been a sick and twisted bastard. He wondered just how deep that well ran and who else in this fucked up town knew about the perverted fucker. Usually, when there was one like Thomas, there were more. And the fact her grandfather had set her up with the bastard, he had a sinking suspicion the old man had known at least a little of the fucker’s proclivities. If he found out Palmer’s grandfather was aware of what he’d done with the young men and women, Keys didn’t care how old he was, he’d beat the motherfucker with his bare hands.

“You’re doing it again.” She feathered a kiss over each brow.

He laughed. “What’s that?”

“Thinking too hard.” She yawned, one of those jaw cracking kinds that ended on a shiver.

Keys was a bastard through and through. His cock was hard, wanting to slide into her. However, he’d meant what he’d told her earlier. Her body had been tighter than a virgin. He’d had a few of them, yet none had been as snug as Palmer even after she’d had a baby. So no, he wouldn’t be fucking her until she’d had a little recovery time even if his dick was begging for it. “I’m a thinker, that’s what I do best,” he answered her finally.

“I’m so tired.” She yawned again.

He settled her on her side, holding one of her thighs over his with one hand, keeping her in place. “Get some rest. Tomorrow will be soon enough to deal with the future.”

“My favorite quote is the one by Bill Keane that says ‘Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the Present.’ I know some think it’s silly, but I’ve always loved it.”

His hand flexed on her supple thigh. “No, I’ve always loved that one too. In fact, I’m going to have Tymber tattoo that on me next.”

She looked up at him through the darkness. “Tymber?”

“Most of my ink was done by him or another artist named Ember. They own a shop called Twisted Ink in California. I’ll take you to meet him. He’s engaged to...Ivy. She used to be one of ours. It’s a long story I’ll tell you about it another day. Rest assured I never dated her or saw her as anything other than a little sister.” Keys wanted to reassure Palmer. He’d never put her in a position where she’d feel uncomfortable because of another woman.

“I trust you, Keys.”

There it was, her sealing up them cracks he’d thought were never going to be mended. “Sleep, baby.”

A few hours later, his phone dinged. The alarm he’d placed in Palmer’s room should anyone try to get in through the doors or windows alerting him immediately. The tiny device would be undetected by whoever had broken in, but he didn’t think they’d be too worried about making noise once they realized her and Jaxson weren’t there.

He slid his hand over her mouth. “Ssh, someone’s in your room,” he whispered next to her ear. “Get dressed, quickly.”

Keys punched in the number he’d programed for Dragon. “How close are you?” he asked when the man picked up on the second ring.

“So close I’m watching a show right now. Want to know what I’m watching?” Dragon asked in a low voice.

“Please tell me it’s not a porno starring my naked ass?” Keys wouldn’t mind it if it didn’t mean someone else had seen Palmer. That was for his eyes only.

“Shit, that would mean I’d be seeing that sexy little number that was with you in all her naked glory. If you got that on digital, I’ll watch it. Sadly, that’s not what I’m seeing. No, I’m watching dumb and dumber bumble their way around your little hotel. What the fuck kind of place is that anyhow?”

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